Green your ride and support the Sierra Club Foundation
Donate your vehicle to the Sierra Club Foundation

Dear Friend,

Do you have a vehicle that you no longer need? Consider donating it to the Sierra Club Foundation! Even cars with a fuel economy of 22 MPG will release an average of 4.6 tons of CO2 into the air in just a year. Instead of continuing to drive your old car, you can fuel the fight for clean air by switching to a greener vehicle—or no vehicle at all!

Donate today by calling 855-337-4377 or visit to learn more. It’s easy, the pick-up is free, and you may qualify for a tax deduction.

How it works

Our partners at CARS will reach out to you to arrange your free and convenient pick-up from any location, no matter your vehicle's condition. We accept cars, trucks, trailers, boats, motorcycles, and more!

Thank you,
The Sierra Club

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