The Libertarian Party’s peculiar invitation to Donald Trump • 70 years since Brown V. Board of Education and California still has work to do
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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Gov. Newsom’s latest stunt on abortion is just another distraction

With a massive structural budget deficit to deal with, Gov. Gavin Newsom is still taking the time to keep his name in national headlines.

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The Libertarian Party’s peculiar invitation to Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump is set to speak at the Libertarian Party’s National Convention on Saturday in Washington, D.C.

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70 years since Brown V. Board of Education and California still has work to do

Erasing the public school boundary lines steeped in a dark history of bigotry by expanding open enrollment can make access to high-quality public education a reality for every child, no matter their background.

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How to manufacture a border crisis

In the meantime, politicians — with the help of Border Patrol — continue to scare voters into supporting them.

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California’s budget deficit revives state’s everlasting battle over school funding

In other words, it’s just another normal year in the abnormal world of school finance.

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Invest in the systems that keep us healthy and divest from the systems that harm

Public health research is clear

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Justice Alito’s flag: Letters

Re “Report: Alito’s home flew flag upside down after Trump’s claims” (May 17): It is naïve to assume that Supreme Court justices come to the court with a neutral political perspective. After all, they are human and they are selected and appointed by politicians with clear political agendas. Nevertheless, once appointed, the justices owe the American public at least the appearance of impartiality and fairness. That’s why the recent report of an upside-down American flag flying on Alito’s home, the symbol of Trump’s “stop the steal” campaign, is so disturbing. Even worse, Justice Alito’s blaming of the incident on his […]

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Financial fraud at California’s community colleges

The state legislature should order an audit of the California Community Colleges application system, including financial aid applications.

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Newsom finally acts to slow insurers’ exit

Newsom is on the right track here, but why did it take so long?

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America’s obsession with race is a double-edged sword

Racism exists, but the extent to which it does may be exaggerated to the detriment of minorities.

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