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Ever feel like Christians are the most abused group in the entire USA?
Ever feel like Christians are the most abused group in the entire USA?

Well, guess what…

One military insider has just blown the whistle…

He says that what he’s referring to as a “war on Christians” is entirely intentional…

And is actually part of a twisted gov’t plot.

The insider says our own gov’t has just signed what he considers a shocking anti-Christian directive into effect…

Executive Order 14067.

And he says it gives Sleepy Joe the power to control every single Christian in the states.
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According to this insider, this directive could even give the president the power to close the doors of your Church.

How would he do it?

Well, this insider has exposed these details in a short report…

He’s also revealed how he believes you could “opt out” of this sick plot…

While maintaining your religion and your freedom.

Take a look at the report when you can, as it may not stay on the web for long.

=> Gov’t signs anti-Christian directive?