Community Development Update - February 2023
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9 February 2023

Hello Cockburn Community,

In this newsletter:
  • Happy New Year! 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit
  • Community Training
    • Introduction to Governance - 22 February
    • Leadership for groups, clubs & NFPs - 1 March
  • Community Grants - open 13 February
  • New Cockburn group for history lovers - meeting tomorrow 10 February
  • Waste Education community workshops
  • Child Developmental webinar
  • Comment on Cockburn: Have your say on the new Reconciliation Action Plan, and lots more this month 
Best wishes for the month ahead,
Community Development
Get in touch
Cockburn Chinese Community Association, and the Year of the Rabbit!

The Lunar New Year is widely celebrated across the world as the beginning of the lunisolar calendar. It is considered the most important holiday in China and is also celebrated in South Korea, Vietnam and other countries. The 15-day celebrations started on 22 January and in the Chinese Zodiac, this marked the Year of the Rabbit. We asked the Cockburn Chinese Community Association to tell us a bit about what that means...

"This year is the 'Year of the Rabbit'. To Chinese people, the Rabbit resembles love and peace. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are believed to be kind, restrained and thoughtful. We hope everyone has a peaceful year this year."
Ning Yang, Cockburn Chinese Community Association

The Cockburn Chinese Community Association are an active local group who volunteer their support to a wide range of social causes in Cockburn along with hosting welcoming cultural events. To get in touch with their organisation, contact:
Cockburn Chinese Community Association

Community Training: Governance topics

Are you part of a committee or board for a Cockburn group, club or not-for-profit organisation? Check out the free community training sessions below:

1. Introduction to Governance

Date: Wednesday 22 February
Time: 6-8pm
Venue: Len Packham Reserve Clubrooms, 96 Cordelia Avenue, Coolbellup
This workshop is suitable for new committee members, or those wanting to brush up on the basics. It covers learnings around governance, rules and legislation, roles and responsibilities, using your constitution.

2. Leadership for groups, clubs & not-for-profit organisations

Wednesday 1 March
City of Cockburn admin building, 9 Coleville Crescent
This workshop is targeted at people in a chairperson or leadership role within a community organisation. The session covers delegation skills, leading by example, mentoring others and succession planning.

Both workshops include a light dinner and refreshments. RSVP essential to:

A new meet-up group for Cockburn historians

There is a new group in Cockburn for lovers of history. The recently formed Cockburn Historians Group has started meeting monthly at Spearwood Library to share research of local history. The catalyst for this group came out of a conversation between Harvest Lakes Resident Association committee member Lois and Community Development team in August last year. Lois was brimming with historical research and seeking a like-minded community to share it with. The City of Cockburn Local History Officer Denise Cook confirmed there was a larger appetite for a group, and the rest as they say, is history!
“We've started meeting regularly and people are excited to be sharing stories and information. We’re hearing about local families, businesses, and community groups, and looking at old maps and photos. It’s a great way of sharing research, and get feedback and suggestions for new sources to delve deeper.”
City of Cockburn Local History Officer Denise Cook

Is local history your passion? The next meeting is on tomorrow Friday 10 February, 2.30-4.30pm in the Spearwood Library community room. For more information contact Denise:
Get involved

Waste Education Community Workshops

Looking for ways to reduce, reuse and recycle in 2023? Want to make a difference on Cockburn's carbon footprint? There is a terrific series of community workshops planned which cover beeswax wraps, modern-cloth nappies, worm faming, a beach clean-up day, and more. Check out the events listed below and get along to a session or two over the next month! 

Plastic Free lunch boxes & make your own beeswax wrap - City of Cockburn:
Saturday 11 February, 10am-midday at Treeby Community Centre

Using modern cloth nappies - City of Cockburn:
Saturday 18 February, 10am-midday at Success Library

Worm Farming Workshop - February 2023 - City of Cockburn:
Thursday 23 February, 6-8pm at Harvest Lakes Community Centre

Adopt a Beach - Build a Beach! - City of Cockburn:
Sunday 5 March, 9am-12pm at CY O'Connor Reserve

Let's talk about WASTE - City of Cockburn:
Thursday 16 March, 6-8pm at Success Library

Click on the event titles above to find out more and register your attendance.
Cockburn Community Fund – opens Monday 13 February 2023
Got an idea that needs funding? The Cockburn Community Fund helps local not-for-profit groups, organisations, schools, P&Cs, and residents to provide activities and services that benefit our community.
Funding opportunities are now open for:
  • Community Grants
  • Donations
  • Group Sponsorship
  • Individual Sponsorship (open all year round)
  • Cultural Grants
  • Youth Art Scholarships
  • Small Events Sponsorship (open all year round)
  • Environmental Education for Schools Grants
  • Sustainability Grants 
For grant guidelines and further information visit
All applicants must discuss their application with the relevant City Officer before applying.
Applications close 4pm Friday 24 March 2023 - except Sustainability Grants which close on 31 March 2023.
Child Developmental Webinar session "What to expect?"
From the moment babies are born, they respond to the world around them. Learn how to support your baby’s social and emotional development through a free online course, and discover the importance of connection to your baby’s development and feelings of security. 

0-3 months: 13 February, 1-2pm
3-6 months: 8 March, 7-8pm

Register: The link will be emailed once you register.

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