In this issue, October 25, 2022 View it in your browser.

GPT3 Architecture, HashiCorp Vault, Kubernetes Telemetry, Dapr on AKS, PHP 8, Resilience with eBPF, Quarkus Security, Securing Java Apps, OpenSilver 1.1, Qwik Resumability, Motivating Employees

Last chance to level-up on emerging software trends at QCon Plus online, Nov 30 - Dec 8.

Don’t miss out on levelling up on emerging software trends from 110+ senior software practitioners at QCon Plus this Nov 30-Dec 8. Discover case studies and insights about real-world best practices and solutions in software development and tech leadership. Save with our final Early Bird and book your pass before Oct 31.



Success in the Cloud: How to Avoid Kubernetes Deployment Pitfalls

Learn how to succeed in the cloud and avoid the most serious K8s deployment pitfalls, including, the 'deadliest Kubernetes sins'. Discover the components and steps required to make K8s an enterprise-level production-ready platform, leveraging GitOps, FinOps, DevSecOps, and more. Live Webinar, November 15th, 2022 - Save your Seat.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Snap Way to Design Ads Ranking Service Using Deep Learning

  2. How GPT3 Architecture Enhanced AI Capabilities: Keynote At Devoxx

  3. Netflix's Fraud Detection Framework for Streaming Services

PyTorch Becomes Linux Foundation Top-Level Project

PyTorch, the popular deep-learning framework developed by Meta AI Research, has now become an independent top-level project of the Linux Foundation. The project will be managed by the newly-chartered PyTorch Foundation, with support from several large companies including Meta, AWS, NVIDIA, AMD, Google, and Microsoft. (News)



7 Reasons Not to Put an External Cache in Front of Your Database

Read this white paper to learn common approaches to caching data, 7 specific reasons why external caching can be a bad choice, real-world examples of successfully eliminating external cache by companies such as Comcast, and more. Download now.


  1. CDK for Terraform Improves Performance by Adding Namespaces

  2. Orca Security Report Finds Critical Assets Vulnerable within Three Steps

  3. Google Cloud Announces Curated Detection in Chronicle SecOps Suite

  4. HashiCorp Vault Enhances Plugin Framework, Adds New Secrets Engines

  5. State of Value Stream Management Report Shows Platform Adoption Increased 4X in a Year

Successfully Integrating Dynamic Security Testing into Your CI/CD Pipeline

Dynamic security testing tools don’t require advanced cybersecurity knowledge to operate. Integrating DAST into your CI/CD pipeline should be done in stages by focusing on the riskiest areas first. (Article)


Cockroach Labs

Payment Systems are complex! Learn how to scale them

For 16 years he built payments systems at Square, Blackrock, and Varo. Now Alex Lunev brings his expertise to this on-demand webinar. Learn more.


  1. AWS Lambda Supports Event Filtering for Amazon MSK, Kafka and Amazon MQ

  2. Azure Adds Sustainability Guidance to Well-Architected Framework

  3. Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure Automanage Machine Best Practices

  4. DataDog Publishes AWS Security Report

Comprehensive Kubernetes Telemetry with AWS Observability Accelerator

AWS recently created a new template within the AWS Observability Accelerator project that provides an integrated telemetry solution for Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) workloads. (News)



[eBook] Code, Deploy, and Scale Java Your Way

Learn how Microsoft Azure makes Java developers as efficient and productive as possible, letting them continue working the same way they do today — using the tools and software of their choice — while leveraging the power of managed services in the cloud. Download now.

  1. Two New Git Vulnerabilities Affecting Local Clones and Git Shell Patched

PHP 8 — Attributes, Match Expression and Other Improvements

PHP 8 is a major update to PHP that introduces several new features and performance optimizations. In this first article of the PHP 8.x Article Series, we are going to introduce a number of new features including attributes, match expression, instanceof operator, new operator, a new JIT compiler, and more. (Article)

Resiliency Superpowers with eBPF

Liz Rice considers several facets where eBPF can help, from dynamic vulnerability patching through super-fast load balancing to multi-cluster networking. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!



Zero Trust Architecture is a Token-Based Architecture

Zero Trust is a hot topic. However, how to achieve it is not always clear. We believe a token-based architecture is the best approach. Read the article to learn why.


  1. BellSoft Introduces Alpaquita Linux for Containerized Java Applications

  2. Quarkus Defends REST APIs against Attack

  3. Error Prone Support Introduces New Bug Checks and Refaster Templates

  4. Java News Roundup: Sequenced Collections, Spring 6.0-RC1, Apache Tomcat, Reactor 2022.0-RC1

  5. ArchUnit Verifies Architecture Rules for Java Applications

Securing Java Applications in the Age of Log4Shell

Simon Maple looks at how one can be more proactive and defensive in decisions for future Log4Shell like scenarios, considering, identifying and reducing the risk introduced into applications. (Presentation with transcript included)



Choose the Optimal IoT Protocol for Your Project

Finding the correct IoT protocol for each project's needs is vital. EMQ discussed the features of several popular protocols such as MQTT, CoAP, LwM2M, LoRA, and ZigBee to help you choose the best one for your IoT project. Learn more.

OpenSilver 1.1 Promises 99% of Code Compatibility with Silverlight Applications

OpenSilver, a "plugin-free" replacement for retired Silverlight browser technology, has released an update that claims to be able to reuse 99% of existing Silverlight application code and run it in a modern browser with WebAssembly and HTML5. (News)



Want to know what's Platforming Engineering all about?

Check out our Youtube channel for the best platform engineering insights, resources, and expert talks given by the best in the industry. Subscribe here.


  1. New Qwik JavaScript Framework Seeks Faster Web Apps with Unique Approach: Resumability

Separation of Concerns in Node.js

In Node.js is that you can structure your code however you want. There is no "correct way". You have the option of writing all of your code in a single app.js file or creating multiple files and placing them in different folders. Most developers, however, would recommend structuring your projects by grouping related data together rather than having it all together. (Article)

Polyglot Microservices Communication Using Dapr on AKS

Dapr is a useful tool for solving several challenges engineers might face. It allows engineering organizations to gain productivity by training developers on a common set of tools and techniques. It also helps adopt standardization in development, deployment, and debugging. (Article)



Webinar: Most Common Kubernetes Security Misconfigurations and How to Address Them

There are hundreds of public cases detailing how companies leaked sensitive user data accidentally due to misconfiguration issues. On Nov 16th, join Teleport and Aqua to discuss how to identify and fix misconfigurations. Register now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Jonathan Smart on Organizing for Outcomes - DOES 2022

  2. Motivating Employees and Making Work More Fun

  3. Tapabrata Pal on DevOps at Fidelity: Investing in Inner Source and Engineering Excellence -DOES 2022

How We Built Testability with Psychological Safety

Testability can enable teams to make changes to their code bases without requiring extensive regression testing. To build testability, team members must collaborate and leverage each other's unique skills. Unfortunately, effective collaboration does not come naturally to people and therefore needs leadership to nurture people's ability to speak up and share their knowledge. (Article)

Code Red: the Business Impact of Code Quality

Everyone in the software industry “knows” that code quality is important, yet we never had any data or numbers to prove it. In this article, we explore the impact by diving into recent research on code quality. With twice the development speed, 15 times fewer bugs, and a significant reduction of uncertainty in completion times, the business advantage of code quality is unmistakably clear. (Article)

Panel: Engineering Leadership Lessons for Improving Flow

The panelists discuss how to lead organizational change to improve velocity and quality. (Presentation with transcript included)

Perspectives on Trust in Security & Privacy

The panelists discuss balancing the adjustment of the security posture and the user experience. (Presentation with transcript included)

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Latest White Papers

O'Reilly eBook: Kubernetes Best Practices, from our friends at D2iQ. Download now.

An Architects Guide to NoSQL

Authentication Survival Guide

Close the Information Gap: How to Succeed at Analytics in the Cloud



Architecture of a Distributed Database - Watch Webinar On-Demand