In this issue, October 18, 2022 View it in your browser.

Grab's Data Platform, Real-Time ML, eBPF & Service Mesh, K8s Control Planes, PostgreSQL Cosmos DB, Fighting Cyberattacks, Error Prone Java, Project Loom, Node.js Monorepo, Kotlin Mobile, Netflix Queue, Performance Testing

Level-up on emerging software trends at QCon Plus online, Nov 29 - Dec 9

Unlock technical talks from 110+ senior software practitioners with live Q&As from leading early adopter companies including; Amazon, UC Berkeley, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Netflix, NBC Universal, Stripe, Google, Tesla, Adidas, Shopify, Lyft, Meta and many more. Join live over 2-weeks or on-demand across 90-days. Book your online pass before October 31st for just $549.



Ultimate Guide to Building Your Hyperuatomation Tech Stack

From microservices to RPA to CI/CD, learn how to build your automation tech stack to achieve true end-to-end process orchestration. Get the guide.

Matt Butcher on Web Assembly as the Next Wave of Cloud Computing

Wes Reisz speaks with long-time open-source contributor and startup founder Matt Butcher who is the CEO of Fermyon Technologies and is at the forefront of the Web Assembly (Wasm) work being done in the cloud. The two discuss Butcher’s belief we’re at the start of a 3rd wave of cloud computing, the state of the Wasm ecosystem, and what Fermyon’s doing in the space. (Podcast)

The Collaborative Culture and Developer Experience in the Redis Open Source Community

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Yiftach Shoolman of Redis about the Redis community culture, nurturing a large open source community and enabling great developer experiences. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Amazon EC2 Trn1 Instances for High Performance on Deep Learning Training Models Now Available

  2. Amazon SageMaker Clarify Now Supports Online Explainability for ML Predictions

  3. University Researchers Publish Results of NLP Community Metasurvey

  4. Grab Shared Its Experience in Designing Distributed Data Platform

  5. Google Previews Log Analytics Feature in Its Cloud Logging Service

Apache DolphinScheduler in MLOps: Create Machine Learning Workflows Quickly

In this article, the author discusses data pipeline and workflow scheduler Apache DolphinScheduler and how ML tasks are performed by Apache DolphinScheduler using Jupyter and MLflow components. (Article)

Streaming-First Infrastructure for Real-Time ML

Chip Huyen discusses the state of continual learning for ML, its motivations, challenges, and possible solutions. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!



Data Resilience as Code

Terraform is infrastructure as code for end-to-end reproducibility of cloud based environments. Clumio’s Terraform provider supplies a definable, reproducible data protection environment. Learn more.


  1. Google Cloud Deploy Adds Deployment Verification, Support for Cloud Run

  2. NCC Group Dissect Aims to Scale Incident Response to Thousands of Systems

  3. New Grafana Releases Tighten Integration between Metrics and Tracing

  4. HashiCorp Enhances Terraform Drift Detection with Continuous Validation

  5. GitLab Cloud Seed Aims to Simplify Google Cloud Integration

eBPF and the Service Mesh

While eBPF looks promising to improve service mesh sidecar proxy performance, there are other, simplier ways to improve performance. The layer 7 processing needed for service meshes is unlikely to be feasible in eBPF for the foreseeable future, which means that meshes will still need proxies. (Article)

Kubernetes as a Foundation for Infrastructure Control Planes

Daniel Mangum explores how bringing applications and infrastructure to a single control plane allows for building robust platforms that can accommodate heterogenous organizational structures. (Presentation with transcript included)



Webinar: Enterprise Kubernetes Done Right

Be on the winning side of the smart cloud-native revolution! Let the experts at D2iQ show you components and steps required to supplement AWS EKS to create an enterprise-level, production-ready platform. Save your seat!


  1. Microsoft Introduces Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

  2. Open Source Skyplane Targets Faster and Cheaper Data Transfers between Clouds

  3. Threat Operations and Research Team Cloudforce One Generally Available

  4. Microsoft Previews Azure Firewall Basic for Small-Medium Businesses

Microsoft Previews Azure Deployment Environments

During the recent Ignite Conference, Microsoft announced the public preview of Azure Deployment Environments. This managed service enables dev teams to quickly spin up app infrastructure with project-based templates to establish consistency and best practices while maximizing security, compliance, and cost-efficiency. (News)


Agile Lab

The Practical Guide to Successful Data Mesh Implementations

While organizations see the value and potential of Data Mesh, many struggle to overcome common obstacles that slow down time to value. This guide describes common challenges to adopting and implementing Data Mesh, helping you to minimize risk and to realize its value. Download Now.


  1. Learn to Fight Cyberattacks in 2023: Steve Poole's Call to Action at Devoxx

Virtual Panel: the New US-EU Data Privacy Framework

Recent rulings by several European courts have set important precedents for restricting personal data transmission from the EU to the US. As a consequence, the US and EU have started working on a new agreement. In this virtual panel, three knowledgeable experts discuss where the existing agreements fall short, and whether a new privacy agreement could improve the current situation. (Article)



30 Feature Flagging Best Practices Mega Guide

In this ebook, you’ll read about the nuances of feature flagging best practices, so you can avoid technical debt and other common challenges. Learn about short-term and permanent flags, release management, operational feature flags, experimentation, and more. Download now.


  1. Venkat Subramaniam Brings a Contemporary Twist to GoF Design Patterns with Modern Java at Devoxx BE

  2. Apache InLong: Integration Framework for Massive Data

  3. Java News Roundup: Introducing OmniFish, Oracle Joins Micronaut Foundation, OpenJDK Updates

  4. Error Prone Improves Java Code by Detecting Common Mistakes

Project Loom: Revolution in Java Concurrency or Obscure Implementation Detail?

Tomasz Nurkiewicz explores what Loom is, how it's implemented, what problems it solves, its shortcomings, and will it make reactive programming obsolete? (Presentation with transcript included)

JIT vs. AOT: How to Pick the Right Approach

The panelists discuss the trade-offs between the two approaches and cover scenarios where either approach is best. (Presentation with transcript included)



Build modern IoT solutions with the Raspberry Pi

Being able to run state-of-the-art software tools and applications makes Raspberry Pi the most suitable hardware for easily deploying IoT technology. In this article, you'll learn how to test EMQX MQTT Broker and Client on Raspberry Pi using MicroPython. Learn more.

Turning a Node.js Monolith into a Monorepo without Disrupting the Team

Splitting monoliths into services creates complexity in maintaining multiple repositories (one per service) with separate (yet interdependent) build processes and versioning history. Monorepos have become a popular solution to reduce that complexity. (Article)


  1. Android Gradle Plugin 8.0 Improves Build Times, Requires Updating Third-Party Plugins and Libraries

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Enters Beta

Created by JetBrains to enable using Kotlin to build iOS and Android apps with native UI from a single codebase, Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile has exited the experimental phase and is now available in beta. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Content Discovery at Scale with Hexagons and Elasticsearch at DoorDash

Netflix Builds a Custom High-Throughput Priority Queue Backed by Redis, Kafka and Elasticsearch

Netflix recently published how it built Timestone, a custom high-throughput, low-latency priority queueing system. They built it using open-source components such as Redis, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink and Elasticsearch. Engineers state that they made Timestone since they could not find an off-the-shelf solution that met all of its requirements. (News)


Apollo GraphQL

How to Migrate from REST to GraphQL

Download this eBook to learn why GraphQL is a better solution than REST for delivering new experiences, pitfalls to avoid when migrating from REST to GraphQL, and how to design your GraphQL schema the right way. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Performance Testing Should Focus on Trends

Why is Everything So Slow? Measuring and Optimising How Engineering Teams Deliver

As teams grow, they will slow down, but it should not mean that teams stop delivering value that can power future business growth. Avoiding excessive technical debt and ensuring systems are secure and performant becomes increasingly important. As an engineering leader, you can do things to be confident that your team is moving at the fastest and most sustainable pace. (Article)

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