Want more jobs? Give high school students more exposure to training for a variety of careers; Why should elite universities get more taxpayer support than regional public colleges?; Senate Democrats seek answers about a Trump higher ed task force; Michigan State wants to cut down on harassment. So it’s banning a dorm-room staple: whiteboards.; A case for coordinating education tax benefits; An Iowa Republican wants universities to ask prospective professors: How would you vote?; Harvard law clinic sues DOJ over for-profit college case files; ‘My family still could not afford to pay’: Despite generous financial aid, a top student struggles to get by;
Grade Point
A higher education news blog
Want more jobs? Give high school students more exposure to training for a variety of careers
President Trump should keep in mind the value of vocational higher education
Why should elite universities get more taxpayer support than regional public colleges?
Rich schools get big tax breaks through their endowments. But their record on social mobility is thin.
Senate Democrats seek answers about a Trump higher ed task force
Lawmakers curious about a panel that Jerry Falwell Jr. says he will lead.
Michigan State wants to cut down on harassment. So it’s banning a dorm-room staple: whiteboards.
Starting next fall, Michigan State University will no longer allow students to hang whiteboards outside their dorm-room doors.
‘We are sickened by this': Old Dominion investigates video promoting lynching and ‘white power’
A racist video circulating on social media shows a woman wearing a university T-shirt rapping about killing black people.
A case for coordinating education tax benefits
There is no clear picture of the impact of tax benefits on budgets or higher education, according to Pew Charitable Trusts.
An Iowa Republican wants universities to ask prospective professors: How would you vote?
A Democrat in the state senate called Sen. Mark Chelgren's proposed legislation “one of the worst ideas I've heard in 15 years here.”
Harvard law clinic sues DOJ over for-profit college case files
The Project on Predatory Student Lending at Harvard Law School is suing the Justice Department for withholding documents that could help for-profit college students get their federal education loans canceled.
‘My family still could not afford to pay’: Despite generous financial aid, a top student struggles to get by
A college student writes about the continual anxiety of finding money to help pay for his education.
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