Enroll Today: Atlantis Ambassador Specialist Program

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Travel Agent Academy
Atlantis Ambassador
Atlantis Ambassador course screenshots
 Atlantis Ambassador Specialist Program
Through this comprehensive training course, you will learn the core elements of our unique resort destination experience; understand the intricacies that will give you a competitive edge and unlock resources that will allow you to demonstrate the expertise to your customers.
Atlantis Ambassador
What You'll Learn
Receive an overview of our 170-acre destination resort 
Learn about our six distinctive resort options
Discover more about Atlantis’ thrilling non-stop experiences for children of all ages
and more!
Agents certified through The Travel Institute can earn credits toward maintaining their certification upon completion of this course.
CEU Approved
Atlantis Ambassador
Atlantis Ambassador Reward Program
Graduate and access our points-based travel agent loyalty program. Rewards range from gift cards to a VIP site inspection and a shallow-water interaction at Dolphin Cay Atlantis and more!

Leading the way with innovative solutions that support and promote the leisure travel industry

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Northstar Travel Group
100 Lighting Way
Secaucus NJ 07094

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