Over CHF 50,000 in creation-support grants: Images Vevey's international photography competition return! Professional artists and photographers, as well as those in training, have until February 28 to enter the competition for the 12th Grand Prix Images Vevey or the 3rd Images Vevey Book Award 2019/2020.
Festival Images
Biennale des arts visuels de Vevey
Espace Images
Galerie pour la photographie Contemporaine à Vevey
Peter Puklus, winner of the Grand Prix Images Vevey 2017/2018
Grand Prix Images Vevey is a creation-support grant for photography projects. The award, worth some CHF 40,000 (approx. EUR 35,000), enables one artist to develop a new photography project over a year that will be presented at the next Festival Images Vevey 2020. The competition represents unique support for contemporary creation, with complete freedom of choice over subject and genre.
Jono Rotman, winner of the Images Vevey Book Award 2017/2018
The Images Vevey Book Award is a grant worth CHF 10,000 (approx. EUR 9,000) that supports the creation of a book project which showcases an optimal and original balance between publication format and photographic content. It provides a financial contribution that aims to encourage artists to take risks and to innovate, in order for them to develop a suitable sophisticated publication format for their photography project.