August 19, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Things were pretty busy as yours truly returned from vacation this week... the big tease that we started out with is from Whitney Tilson, who's promoting his "peace profiteering" stocks and making a specific prediction about the end of the war in Ukraine... so what's he recommending in his $2,500 newsletter?   Just click below to...

Research found that smart investors could have made top gains of...

  • 443% in 11 days
  • 89% in 11 days
  • 543% in nine days
  • 88% in seven days.

All by trading just one ticker every week!

Sound preposterous?



From there we moved on to a penny stock pitch from Keith Schaefer, who's talking up a new energy drink as a "imminent acquisition target."

Doc Gumshoe popped by with an in-depth look at Lyme Disease, for those of you walking in the woods this week...

And we looked into Brad Thomas' "One Deal Retirement Summit" about some "green pipeline" investments... he's talking up a "Texas-sized energy deal," but have no fear, we've got Thinkolator answers for you.

Finally, if you've ever been interested in upgrading to the Irregulars to see my portfolio, now's a great time for that -- I wrote in some detail about more than a dozen of my Real Money Portfolio holdings in the Friday File this week, including a couple buys and a couple sells, and also added a new stock to the $100K Lock Box Portfolio... just click below if you missed that one...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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