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Wildlife on the Ropes

Endangered species such as grizzly bears and gray wolves migrate from Yellowstone National Park into the roadless areas of Custer-Gallatin National Forest. The Forest Service is deciding how to manage this forest for the coming decades, but its draft plan fails to adequately protect wildlife habitat.

Demand the best plan for our national forests and endangered wildlife.
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Photo by Erlich

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Photo by Ben Lowry
The Great White Sharks of Isla Guadalupe

Ben Lowy had been traveling the world as a war photographer for a decade when his first son was born. He decided he needed a career change. Now he spends his time underwater photographing great white sharks.

Find out more about Ben Lowy and see a slideshow of some epic great whites.

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4 Ways Parents Can Take Action on Climate

"When it comes to taking action on climate, it's important to think big, like calling for 100% clean energy,” says Lisa Hoyos, director of the Sierra Club's Climate Parents program. "Parents are coming together to make a powerful impact, and everyone can get involved.”

Here are four actions parents and grandparents can take to help move the needle in the right direction.

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Ready to Be a Youth Leader?

The Sierra Student Coalition's summer program—"Sprog" for short—is a one-week leadership training program that provides young people from all across the country with tools and strategies for effective environmental and social justice activism. Participants have described it as one of the most inspiring and fulfilling weeks of their lives.

Fill out this interest form—or nominate someone else.

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Why We Didn’t Act When We Had the Chance

Nathaniel Rich's new book, Losing Earth, chronicles how during the 1980s there was a clear scientific consensus that humans were heating up the planet by burning fossil fuels. Why didn’t scientists, policy experts, and members of both the Republican and Democratic parties do something?

Read Sierra's interview with Nathaniel Rich.

Read more about Pete.
Carl V. "Pete" Ramey shown center.
A Trusted Voice for the Mountains

Pete Ramey, a Virginia coal miner turned environmental activist and a longtime friend of the Sierra Club, died this March at the age of 90. After 40 years in the mines, Ramey devoted the rest of his life to stopping the practice of mountaintop-removal (MTR) coal mining. “He was a trusted voice in representing people who all too often are forgotten,” says retired Sierra Club organizer Bill McCabe.

Read more about this quiet, determined pillar of resistance to the scourge of MTR.

An Extinction Rebellion protest in San Francisco in April | Photo by Lewis Page
Climate Activists Are Rebelling. Are Politicians Listening?

The Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a fast-growing international movement calling for an immediate government response to climate change, species loss, and imminent ecological collapse. The movement’s tactics emphasize disruption over negotiation, and its platform demands that governments “tell the truth” by declaring a climate emergency; reduce greenhouse emissions to net zero by 2025; and create a "citizens' assembly" to advise the transition.

Can the Extinction Rebellion succeed where less radical movements have not?

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Find out more about SunPower!
Sierra Club + SunPower = Saving on Solar

As summer approaches and temperatures rise, so does our electricity use—and unfortunately, much of that power is still generated by burning coal and other fossil fuels. But there's a better, cleaner way. Our partnership with SunPower makes it easy for Sierra Club members and supporters to go solar. When you go solar with SunPower and the Sierra Club, you’ll receive a $1,000 mail-in rebate and the Sierra Club will receive $1,000 to support our work to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet.

Get your free solar quote.

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Mangrove Forest | Photo by X File Photo
We’re Doomed! But Wait...

The authors of a new UN report made it clear that humans are leading the planet into a sixth mass extinction, but they also offer a road map to deliverance that just might pull us back from the edge of the abyss.

Find out what actions scientists are recommending to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.

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Swim, Bike, Run to Protect the Planet

Take on the ultimate challenge this August and join Team Sierra for IRONMAN 70.3 Maine. Swim, bike, run, and raise funds to help the Sierra Club lobby our elected leaders to act on climate, protect our vulnerable wildlife species, and make the great outdoors accessible to all. You’ll receive a fundraising coach and customized page, Team Sierra swag, and guaranteed entry into the race (which is sold out to the public).

Spots are limited, so register today.

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Nellis Kennedy-Howard with her brothers. | Photo courtesy of Nellis Kennedy-Howard
My Diné Child Will Hunt, Bead, and Everything In Between

Nellis Kennedy-Howard, director of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice for the Sierra Club, has written an article for Autostraddle about raising her baby to celebrate their Diné heritage by hunting, fishing, and beading, no matter their gender. “I want all the richness of every cultural tradition in their background to be available to them,” Kennedy-Howard says. “I look forward to taking them to our family hunting spot and climbing an old pine tree that overlooks a valley of aspen that I know as well as I know myself.”

Read Kennedy-Howard’s deeply felt article.

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Is Your Community Ready For 100?

State and local leaders from coast to coast are working together with a shared vision of transforming the US into a nation where every community is ready for clean air, affordable energy, and access to the clean energy economy. The Ready For 100 Chicago Collective, an offshoot of the Sierra Club’s Ready For 100 campaign, recently convinced their city to commit to 100% renewable energy.

Watch the Chicago Collective's new video and ask your local leaders to commit to a clean energy future—starting now!

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Photo by State Department/ Public Domain
No One Is Above the Law

If our democratic norms and the rule of law count for little, as the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. seems to believe, then the legal and democratic tools we use to combat climate change and protect our air, water, public lands, and wildlife habitat could be trivialized as well. Congress has the right—in fact, a constitutional duty—to oversee the executive branch. It must continue its constitutional oversight duties by following the evidence laid out in the Mueller report.

Tell Congress to continue obstruction of justice hearings and keep demanding the full, unredacted Mueller report.


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