You might have heard the rumor that going Primal or paleo is expensive. Yes and no. The truth is, I do spend considerably more on groceries now than I did in my pre-Primal days. However, that’s mostly because I pay more for grass-fed, pastured, and organic options when possible, which isn’t mandatory. I choose to allocate a hefty chunk of my monthly budget to food, but I’m not convinced that eating Primally has to be way more expensive than a typical grain-based diet. Not in the big picture, anyway. If you're exploring a Primal-minded lifestyle, you probably believe, as I do, that nutritious, high-quality food is an investment in your health. The money you spend now will hopefully save you money on future medical bills. The immediate savings can be impressive, too. Still, I know the theoretical future savings don’t necessarily help when you’re looking at the balance in your checking account today. Never fear, there are ways to make your dollar stretch while still avoiding grains, sugar, and dodgy oils. Read More |