Is there a secret formula for cultivating cannabis indoors?

An invitation from the Gelin twins and Air Flow Inc.
Dear blog reader and invite recipient,

Did you know I have an identical twin? Did you know he is also a Price rep too?  Both true. The apples didn’t fall far from the tree.
Fun fact, Larry got 10 points higher on the SAT in 1987. Nothing like being second best. But back to business.
Larry’s firm, CFM Company, has been working with Price Mechanical (now SolutionAir) for several years in this growing Denver market. Lots of completed installs for now-wealthy investors. Because of CFM Company’s experience, I asked Larry to write the invite for our next class. Here goes…
Larry Gelin has glasses and is not a woman. That’s our mom Dee Dee.
From Larry Gelin:

Dear Cheesehead Engineers:

It’s harder than you think, but not impossible, to make an indoor environment that is designed to help plants thrive and grow quickly. Understanding how plants respond to their environment is critical to growing and harvesting a good crop, and the economics of cannabis cultivation make a compelling reason for growers to carefully consider their choice in selecting environmental equipment.

Specifically, this is not HVAC equipment – it’s process environmental control equipment.

Once you as a designer know what the plants need, you can start to take a critical look at the equipment you need to create an ideal growing environment. You can also help a grower avoid unexpected pitfalls, such as powdery mildew or slow plant growth, over-investing in the wrong equipment, or wasting energy.

Price Industries developed SolutionAir as purpose-built equipment for this specific industry. If you understand the problems it solves, then you will be better prepared to serve cultivation customers if (or when?) Wisconsin legalizes recreational or medical marijuana for production and sale.  


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