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Cannabis Business Times Newsletter
Craft Cannabis’s Wandering Definition

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Cannabis Business Times

More Than Money

Wading Through Social Equity in Los Angeles

Wading Through Social Equity in Los Angeles

Two owner-operators from Sixty Four & Hope discuss their journey entering Los Angeles' social equity market and the challenges faced along the way.

Risk Assessment

Will the Biden Administration’s Increased Antitrust Scrutiny Impact Cannabis M&A?

Matt Karnes, founder of cannabis-focused advisory firm GreenWave Advisors, says the risk is low under Attorney General Merrick Garland.

CBT Headlines

Medical Passage

South Carolina Medical Cannabis Marathon Finds Senate Approval

South Carolina Medical Cannabis Marathon Finds Senate Approval

After seven floor sessions and more than 65 changes were considered in the chamber, a bill to legalize medical cannabis now heads to the House.

Lights, Cannabis, Action!

Growing Indoors: Episode 3

Growing Indoors: Episode 3

Christine DeJesus, director of cultivation at Galenas, discusses sustainable business practices in the indoor environment.

A Wandering Definition

Beyond the Show: Ben Gelt and Ted Harris

Beyond the Show: Ben Gelt and Ted Harris

In our first episode with multiple guests, we're talking craft cannabis.

GIE Media, Inc. 5811 Canal Road, Valley View, Ohio 44125

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