Our Political Reality Is the Stuff of Nightmares

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Part of this domestic fog is the stunning notion held by many of Trump’s working class supporters that he’s got their back. Really? READ MORE»

Right-Wing Foot Soldiers Are Routinely Escalating to Violent Behavior in the Streets

By Rick Perlstein, The Washington Spectator

Behind the far-right’s “counter-resistance.” READ MORE»

Confronting the Great Mass Addiction of Our Era

By Fatima Bhutto, The Guardian

This examination of today’s tech-zombie epidemic is worth putting your phone down for – at least for a while. READ MORE»

Trump Could Very Well Get Re-Elected—Unless the Opposition Can Find a Way to Change America

By Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò, Salon

Focusing on Trump's lies, or his personal flaws, won't get it done. We must change the American consciousness. READ MORE»

May Day Breaks Through As an Essential Day for Protest

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

Los Angeles and New York lead the way as diverse communities of workers and immigrants fight for their rights against the Trump administration.  READ MORE»

The NY Times Made a Dangerous Claim That Fuels War with North Korea, and the Rest of the Media Treated It Like Gospel

By Adam Johnson, FAIR

Headlines full of alarmist claims, without any evidence to back them up.  READ MORE»

12-Year-Old Girl Forced to Quit Chess Tournament After Her Dress Was Deemed 'Seductive’

By April M. Short, AlterNet

The girl's chess coach was disgusted with the “disturbing incident." READ MORE»

‘Bikers for Trump’ Mistake Non-White Rally-Goer for Protester and Physically Force Him Out of Arena

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

“They went way beyond what people should do." READ MORE»

Trump Is Taking Corporate Power to Historic Extremes

By Stéfanie Khoury and David Whyte, Open Democracy

Trump’s first one hundred days: corporate rights trump human rights. READ MORE»

Every Time the Media Calls Trump a 'Populist,' They Sully the Word

By Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America

How could Trump's "populist mask" fool so many people for so long? READ MORE»

Anti-Muslim Violence in India: 15 Years Later, a Widow's Chance to Receive Justice

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

Zakia Jafri's complaint makes allegations against 62 government officials, police officers and private citizens. READ MORE»

The Urban Common Spaces That Show Us We Belong to Something Larger

By Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine

We must protect the parks, pathways, and gardens that connect us to each other and to the ecosystems of our home. READ MORE»

The North Carolina House Has Passed a Bill Protecting Drivers Who Hit Protesters

By April M. Short, AlterNet

Opponents fear the bill could be interpreted as an invitation to mow down protesters. READ MORE»

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