Latest News: Creditors Worry About SunEdison Defaulting on $1.4 Billion Debt; What Drives Utility Solar Growth in a Post-ITC-Extension World?; And more
Daily Newsletter | March 25, 2016
03.24.16 | Eric Wesoff
Energy Jobs: Shell, Solazyme, Ygrene, SunPower, Tesla, OSIsoft, Tabuchi
Executive and boardroom moves in cleantech, utilities, energy and VC
03.24.16 | Julia Pyper
Colorado Regulators Reject Deal to Address Negative RECs for Community Solar
Solar companies say the settlement agreement was misunderstood.
03.24.16 | Colin Smith
What Drives Utility Solar Growth in a Post-ITC-Extension World?
More than half of all utility-scale solar installations this year will be developed outside of renewable portfolio standards.
03.25.16 | Stephen Lacey
Creditors Worry About SunEdison Defaulting on $1.4 Billion Debt
Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.