Latest News: Whistleblower: Southern Company Lied About Its Clean Coal Project Many Times Over; GTM Research Roundtable: CAISO Is Increasing Regulation Costs by 300%; Can Redflow’s Home Flow Battery Really Beat Lithium-Ion?; And more
Daily Newsletter | July 07, 2016
07.06.16 | Eric Wesoff
Sungevity’s Reverse Merger a ‘Great Deal’ Considering Bleak Cash Situation
An SEC document filed by the merger hopefuls shows Sungevity is about to run out of money.
07.06.16 | Jason Deign
Can Redflow’s Home Flow Battery Really Beat Lithium-Ion?
The battery is unique—but can it live up to its promise?
07.06.16 | Ben Kellison
GTM Research Roundtable: CAISO Is Increasing Regulation Costs by 300%
Our grid edge analysts look at the impact renewables are having on regulation costs in CAISO and RTOs across the U.S.
07.06.16 | Julia Pyper
First Solar’s Jim Hughes Touts a ‘Bulletproof Balance Sheet,’ Warns of an Industry ‘Train Wreck’
A Q&A on rate structures, energy storage and stocks with the leading solar company’s recently retired CEO
07.07.16 | Stephen Lacey
Whistleblower: Southern Company Lied About Its Clean Coal Project Many Times Over
Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.
Solar is following wind power by a few years in its meteoric path to volume, and has the opportunity to avoid the difficult early stage lessons that wind and nuclear industries had to experience the hard way. The methods and roadmap to reduce long term power plant risk is clear: test new technologies before deploying in volume, establish consistent industry standards for structural design, and utilize well established technical predictive tools to evaluate and account for long term maintenance costs. Failed companies and impaired project assets which act as a brake on industry growth can be easily prevented.
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