Latest News: Switch Is Really Angry With Nevada Regulators. Now It Wants to Cut Ties With NV Energy Again; Commercial Energy Storage Economics Will Be Attractive in 19 US State Markets by 2021; And more
Daily Newsletter | July 14, 2016
07.13.16 | Shayle Kann
How the Grid Was Won: Three Scenarios for the Distributed Grid in 2030
Shayle Kann imagines the future of electricity.
07.13.16 | Katherine Tweed
Developing Nations’ Energy Intensity Down 40% Since 1990 →
Energy use is being decoupled from GDP across the globe.
07.13.16 | Mike Munsell
Commercial Energy Storage Economics Will Be Attractive in 19 US State Markets by 2021
GTM Research crunched the numbers for 1-hour and 2-hour commercial storage systems.
07.13.16 | Julia Pyper
How Arizona’s Biggest Utility Is Modeling the Customer of the Future in Its ‘Rate Design Laboratory’
APS says its utility-owned rooftop solar pilot is all about innovation, interoperability and a comprehensive approach to grid modernization.
07.14.16 | Stephen Lacey
Switch Is Really Angry With Nevada Regulators. Now It Wants to Cut Ties With NV Energy Again
Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.
Solar is following wind power by a few years in its meteoric path to volume, and has the opportunity to avoid the difficult early stage lessons that wind and nuclear industries had to experience the hard way. The methods and roadmap to reduce long term power plant risk is clear: test new technologies before deploying in volume, establish consistent industry standards for structural design, and utilize well established technical predictive tools to evaluate and account for long term maintenance costs. Failed companies and impaired project assets which act as a brake on industry growth can be easily prevented.
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