Latest News: Wind Stocks: How Investors Can Get In on America’s Emerging Offshore Wind Market; State Bulletin: General Utility Rate Case Update, Q2 2016 Visualized; And more
Daily Newsletter | July 20, 2016
07.19.16 | Tom Konrad
Wind Stocks: How Investors Can Get In on America’s Emerging Offshore Wind Market
There aren’t yet any pure-play opportunities in offshore wind. But there are still numerous ways to invest in the market.
07.19.16 | Stephen Lacey
The Grid in 2030 Will Be Dramatically Different From Today. How Will We Manage the Transition?
We step into the future and look back at the possible scenarios for the distributed grid.
07.19.16 | Jeff St. John
PG&E to Plug Enphase Smart Inverters and SolarCity Storage Systems Into Its Grid Control Platform
How the first big smart inverter-battery test involving real customers could provide a model for aggregators bringing grid services to utilities.
07.19.16 | Cedric Brehaut
The PV Monitoring Paradox: As M&A Activity Heats Up, the Market Isn’t Consolidating
Who’s the next acquisition target in the solar monitoring space?
07.19.16 | EQ Research
State Bulletin: General Utility Rate Case Update, Q2 2016 Visualized
A visualization of active general rate cases for utilities across the U.S.
07.20.16 | Stephen Lacey
Volkswagen Execs Fooled Regulators for Years: ‘This Cover-Up Was Deep, Wide and Long-Lasting’
Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.
The continued growth of Utility Solar in the US has driven record low costs of Utility scale PV deployment. With the evolution of PV panel technology and improved power electronics technology, it is now feasible to deploy 1500VDC systems for utility scale solar. With greater power output per inverter, more optimized power plant designs and lower balance of system (BoS) costs, 1500VDC technology is set to revolutionize the next phase of utility scale solar.
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