Latest News: SolarEdge Sees Its Smart Inverters as the Hub of Battery-Backed Solar Homes; Why Aren’t Businesses Taking Climate Change More Seriously?; And more
Daily Newsletter | July 15, 2016
07.14.16 | Katherine Tweed
Rate Base It! A Primer on New York’s Distributed System Implementation Plans
Market-enabling technologies at the distribution level are likely a decade away in New York.
07.14.16 | Jeff St. John
SolarEdge Sees Its Smart Inverters as the Hub of Battery-Backed Solar Homes
But it’s still too early to call it a market. “Just add batteries—there will be a business there.”
07.14.16 | Indran Ratnathicam
Why Aren’t Businesses Taking Climate Change More Seriously?
Smart energy management offers an opportunity to deliver substantial carbon savings at a global scale.
07.15.16 | Stephen Lacey
China Says It Wants to Kick the Coal Habit. But It Has 200 GW of Capacity in the Works
Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.
This new report discusses a horizontal approach to each customer class – commercial, small business, municipal or residential – that requires an ongoing transformation, rather than a one-time pivot in business practices. By embarking on this transformation today, utilities will be well-positioned to increase their value to customers and shareholders.
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