Latest News: Europe’s Biofuel Target Is Resulting in Emissions That ‘Are Much Worse Than Fossil Fuels’; DC’s Ratepayer Advocate Is the Latest Official to Oppose Exelon’s Plan to Buy Pepco; And more
Daily Newsletter | March 14, 2016
03.11.16 | Stephen Lacey
DC’s Ratepayer Advocate Is the Latest Official to Oppose Exelon’s Plan to Buy Pepco
“It is really hard to imagine the deal going forward at this point,” says a local organizer.
03.11.16 | Eric Wesoff
Sources: Storage Project Firms Able to Game California’s SGIP Program
The continuing misadventures of the SGIP incentive, now both crappily structured and administered.
03.11.16 | Daniel Hill
Connecting the ‘Neglected Middle’ of America’s Energy Market to Solutions Through Crowdsourcing
Daniel Hill explains how to improve building efficiency while educating the next generation of energy leaders.
03.11.16 | Jeff St. John
Doing the Hard Math to Unlock Grid Flexibility at ARPA-E
New software tools bring new capabilities to grid operators. Reformulated mixed integer programming, anyone?
03.14.16 | Stephen Lacey
Europe’s Biofuel Target Is Resulting in Emissions That ‘Are Much Worse Than Fossil Fuels’
Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.