Latest News: New Consumer Preferences Are Now Impossible to Ignore, Say Utility Executives; What the Federal ITC Extension Means for the US Energy Storage Market; And more
Daily Newsletter | March 30, 2016
03.29.16 | Julia Pyper
Utility Lobby Group Hires Communications Specialist to Rebrand Sector’s Image
“You can’t just rename the DMV and suddenly make people like it.”
03.29.16 | Eric Wesoff
Fuel Cells 2016: ‘Within Striking Distance’ of Profitability
A familiar refrain that is yet to be realized
03.29.16 | Mike Munsell
What the Federal ITC Extension Means for the US Energy Storage Market
GTM Research expects an additional half a gigawatt of storage paired with renewables between 2016 and 2020.
03.29.16 | Stephen Lacey
SunEdison Moves Closer to Bankruptcy as Federal Officials Investigate the Struggling Solar Company
TerraForm Global warns of impending bankruptcy protection.
03.29.16 | Julia Pyper
New Consumer Preferences Are Now Impossible to Ignore, Say Utility Executives
“I suppose I could have fought the changes at every turn and focused on self-preservation, but that would have meant ignoring my customers and betting against technology.”
03.29.16 | Katherine Tweed
Minnesota’s Advanced Grid Planning Process Is Contentious and Slow
The Minnesota PUC is essentially stuck in Phase 1 of its three-phase approach to grid modernization.
03.30.16 | Stephen Lacey
The War of Words Between Nest’s Tony Fadell and Dropcam’s Greg Duffy Intensifies
Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.