This week’s grid edge happenings highlight some of the ways that utilities are seeking to adapt to a distributed energy future, from altering public perceptions to creating new business opportunities.
Grid Edge Newsletter | April 01, 2016
This week’s grid edge happenings highlight some of the ways that utilities are seeking to adapt to a distributed energy future, from altering public perceptions to creating new business opportunities. On the public relations front, a newly hired communications firm has advised the Edison Electric Institute to create a more solar-friendly image, through such methods as rebranding utility-scale solar as “community solar.” In the meantime, utilities are putting together business units to engage customers as trusted energy advisors, as utility holding company Edison International is trying out with this week’s launch of Edison Energy, or as startup FirstFuel is supporting through its new software-as-a-service upgrades. The utility push into the electric vehicle charging business can offer opportunities as well as potential for conflict with private competitors, as Pacific Gas & Electric has laid out in its latest EV charging plan. We also covered some of the state-by-state efforts to renovate the utility business model, from California’s distributed energy-as-grid asset developments, to Minnesota’s early-stage grid modernization work. And GTM Research provided us a breakdown of the $900 million in 2015 grid edge venture capital and private equity investment, and a forecast of how the extension of the federal investment tax credit for solar-paired batteries could drive an additional 500 megawatts of energy storage to be built by decade’s end.

Jeff St. John, Reporter, Greentech Media

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