Last week’s Grid Edge World Forum laid out the big challenges of building a modern, distributed energy infrastructure. This week’s news roundup details how that’s happening in the real world. Our coverage of
Grid Edge Newsletter | July 01, 2016
Last week’s Grid Edge World Forum laid out the big challenges of building a modern, distributed energy infrastructure. This week’s news roundup details how that’s happening in the real world. Our coverage of New York Energy Week gave us a chance to look at the state’s leading role in energy market reform. We looked at the significance of the White House’s recent energy storage summit and its implications for policy in the year ahead, and covered how falling battery prices are allowing companies like behind-the-meter battery startup Stem to take on new markets beyond demand charge management. The news from abroad highlighted Chile’s challenges in keeping its lead in renewables growth in Latin America, and unveiled a clash between South Korea and China over battery manufacturing for electric vehicles. This week’s Energy Gang podcast imagined what the grid could look like if we started over from scratch, and PG&E’s plan to close California’s last nuclear reactor offered an opportunity to imagine a grid less dependent on baseload power plants.

Jeff St. John, Reporter, Greentech Media

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06.30.16 | Stephen Lacey
What If We Redesigned the Grid From Nothing?
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In Evaluating the Role of Fuel Cell Technology, It’s Important to Start With the Facts
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South Korean Battery Makers Face a Surprise Challenge in China
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06.29.16 | EQ Research
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Chile’s Impressive Renewables Growth May Soon Come to an End
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06.29.16 | Ed Smeloff
The End of the Era of Baseload Power Plants
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Stem CTO: Lithium-Ion Battery Prices Fell 70% in the Last 18 Months
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The Year Ahead in Energy Storage Policy
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New York Energy Week Highlights the Rapid Changes Underway in the Power Sector
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How Britain’s Exit From the EU Would Complicate Its Energy Markets and Climate Goals
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Smart-Home Platform Consolidation: Comcast and Buy Icontrol
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