We’ve got a slew of energy storage news to cover in this week’s grid edge roundup.
Grid Edge Newsletter | July 15, 2016
We’ve got a slew of energy storage news to cover in this week’s grid edge roundup, starting with Macquarie Group’s $200 million financing for Advanced Microgrid Solutions -- what may be the single biggest distributed storage financing out there. On the energy storage software front, utility-facing software developer 1Energy was acquired by Doosan, while behind-the-meter battery software maker Geli raised $3 million to bust into Australia’s solar-storage market. Solar inverters are another potential hub for storage and smart home technologies, as SolarEdge detailed at this week’s Intersolar conference. On the commercial energy storage front, GTM Research predicts that the number of states with attractive economics for commercial building storage systems will grow from seven today to 19 by 2021. All this, plus a look at Arizona Public Service’s rate design laboratory, a preview of what the grid edge could look like by 2030, and for GTM Sqaured subscribers, an unpacking of grid regulatory developments in New York and Texas.

Jeff St. John, Reporter, Greentech Media

Have a news tip for us? Email the GTM Editorial Team at editors@greentechmedia.com or contact me directly at stjohn@greentechmedia.com.
07.13.16 | Shayle Kann
How the Grid Was Won: Three Scenarios for the Distributed Grid in 2030
Shayle Kann imagines the future of electricity.
07.14.16 | Jeff St. John
SolarEdge Sees Its Smart Inverters as the Hub of Battery-Backed Solar Homes
But it’s still too early to call it a market. “Just add batteries—there will be a business there.”
07.12.16 | Katherine Tweed
Honda Co-Developed a New Hybrid Car Motor in Order to Avoid Procuring Rare Earth Metals From China
Automakers scramble to reduce rare earth metals in vehicles as hybrids and EVs become more popular.
07.13.16 | Mike Munsell
Commercial Energy Storage Economics Will Be Attractive in 19 US State Markets by 2021
GTM Research crunched the numbers for 1-hour and 2-hour commercial storage systems.
07.13.16 | Julia Pyper
How Arizona’s Biggest Utility Is Modeling the Customer of the Future in Its ‘Rate Design Laboratory’
APS says its utility-owned rooftop solar pilot is all about innovation, interoperability and a comprehensive approach to grid modernization.
07.12.16 | Eric Wesoff
Energy Jobs: Schneider Electric, Tigo, EnerNOC, SPI, Renovate America, Faraday, and Hawaiian Solar
Executive and boardroom moves in cleantech, utilities, energy and VC.
07.11.16 | Jeff St. John
The Lowdown on Texas’ Efforts to Bring Distributed Energy to Grid Markets
Here’s the state of play in the country’s wildest energy market: FAST may be dead, but the DREAM still lives on.
07.14.16 | Katherine Tweed
Rate Base It! A Primer on New York’s Distributed System Implementation Plans
Market-enabling technologies at the distribution level are likely a decade away in New York.
07.12.16 | Julia Pyper
State Bulletin: This Week’s Must-Read Clean Energy Policy News
Net metering uncertainty in Pennsylvania and Maine, distributed energy planning in New York and California, Georgia Power plans to add 1,200 megawatts of renewables to its portfolio, and more.
07.12.16 | Jeff St. John
Geli Sets Its Software Sights on Australia’s Solar-Storage Market With $3M Investment
The Silicon Valley startup raises more money, targets the burgeoning residential solar-plus-storage market Down Under.
07.11.16 | Eric Wesoff
Advanced Microgrid Solutions Gets $200M From Macquarie to Finance Aggregated Energy Storage
Aggregation could be the killer app for storage.
07.11.16 | Katherine Tweed
Doosan Buys 1Energy for Distributed Energy Intelligence
A South Korean giant eyes the U.S. market—and a bigger presence in the distributed energy future.
07.08.16 |
Google, Amazon and Apple Are Forging the Future of Corporate Energy Management
Large corporations are taking a more active approach to managing their energy.
07.08.16 |
How Brexit Will Complicate UK Electricity Markets: ‘It’s an Interesting and Difficult Dilemma’
Britain’s regulators and utilities are facing a lot of hard decisions.
It is still being decided how utilities will be compensated in a future that is increasingly composed of distributed energy resources and more active participation of customers and third parties. However, regulators are increasingly pushing forward market and regulatory reforms in support of these outcomes, which aim to more equitably balance shareholder and customer value.
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