Top Solar News: Next Step Living, Out of Cash, Is Shutting Its Doors This Week; Utah Passes a Major Clean Energy Bill That Elicits ‘Mixed Feelings’; And more
Solar Newsletter | March 21, 2016
03.18.16 | Julia Pyper
Tesla Discontinues 10-Kilowatt-Hour Powerwall Home Battery →
The economics for backup power alone just aren’t that attractive.
03.18.16 | Eric Wesoff
The Trump Energy Policy in Tweet Form
Twitter is candidate Trump’s predominant platform for his policy utterances. Here’s some insight into his views on energy.
03.17.16 | Stephen Lacey
The Libertarian View on the Distributed Energy Transition
How free markets and individual choice can flourish in a carbon-constrained world
03.17.16 | Eric Wesoff
Next Step Living, Out of Cash, Is Shutting Its Doors This Week →
At one point, the VC-funded home energy services startup was generating more than $100 million in annual revenue.
03.17.16 | Julia Pyper
ElectrIQ Is the Latest Company to Offer a Battery Solution for US Homes
“We’re looking at the home as a microgrid ecosystem.”
This webinar will describe the latest developments in solar software tools, and explain how these tools are impacting the way solar installers operate, showcasing case studies of new workflows, techniques, and best practices.
Register Now →
03.16.16 | Julia Pyper
Utah Passes a Major Clean Energy Bill That Elicits ‘Mixed Feelings’
Solar advocates say the state narrowly avoided a Nevada-like net metering situation.
03.15.16 | Jeff St. John
What SDG&E Wants From 140 Megawatts of ‘Preferred Resources’
The details of California’s latest RFO for green energy and edge-of-network capacity
03.15.16 | Julia Pyper
Millions of Americans Stand to Benefit From Targeted Low-Income Solar Policies
A new policy guide offers decision-makers a suite of solutions geared toward helping Americans in lower income brackets.
03.15.16 |
How Home Energy Modeling Will Transform the Real Estate and Solar Sectors
As Tendril builds an energy database of every home in the world, the company looks beyond traditional efficiency.
03.14.16 | Barry Cinnamon
Executive Insights: SolarEdge’s CEO on Optimizing PV and Staying Ahead of the Competition
A podcast extra for GTM Squared subscribers
03.15.16 | Ben Gallagher
Pricing for Solar Systems in the US Dropped 17% in 2015
Residential system prices hit $3.50 per watt in Q4 2015, according to GTM Research.
03.14.16 | Mike Stone
India Looks to Battery Storage to Supplement Its Solar Boom →
If solar scales in the country, storage will likely follow.
03.14.16 | Steve Calechman
Making Community Solar Work for Low-Income Customers
Lower-income customers aren’t going to get served by community solar without a focused plan.
03.14.16 | Eric Wesoff
Energy Jobs: Sungevity Lays Off 250, SunEdison Deck Chairs, Plus Apple, Nike, Microsoft
Executive and boardroom moves in cleantech, utilities, energy and VC