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Jul 12, 2017
Guest networks are open invitation for WannaCry and similar attacks

You might be sick of hearing about this summer's blockbuster ransomware hit WannaCry and all of its horrible sequels, but hackers aren't getting tired of locking up your system and files. And if you thought you're safe because you aren't running Windows OS, you're wrong.more…


Password management service compromised in attack

People use password managers because they’re supposed to be safer than several alternatives, such as writing down passwords on a piece of paper or using the same one across multiple accounts.more…

Missing laptop? Your firm could be out $2.5M when replacing it

The cost of replacing a stolen laptop? $2.5 million.more…

Every Fortune 500 company exposed on the darknet

If you believed Fortune 500 companies, with their larger budgets and widespread global influence, had stronger cybersecurity than small and mid-sized companies, you'd be mistaken. more…

Proof that helping people can be a total waste of time and money

No doubt you've heard the buzz-phrase that you're part of a larger team at your company. Everyone works together to make sure things are running smoothly and everyone looks out for each other. As it turns out, according to two separate studies, that approach may be taxing on IT staff- sorry, team members.more…

Protect against wave of malware that poses as an unassuming invoice

Most attacks your users fall for involve some form of executable file or macro that needs to be run.

But there’s a current attack that’s posing as a harmless invoice – and users don’t even need to click on the link.more…

A marriage, a divorce, and a tortured business relationship: One IT staffer's story

What follows is a tech staffer's story that involves a non-compete agreement, a divorce, and a dying Windows XP computer. more…

Target pays out largest multi-state settlement after breach: $18.5 million

Target has reached an agreement with 48 states related to its 2013 credit card breach that impacted 41 million Target customers.more…



The Changing Role of the CIO

The platforms used to deliver IT products and services, the tools-of-the-trade and skillsets required to do the job have changed. On top of all that, the IT function is now being integrated into the company’s other operations and is expected to operate as a business-within-a-business. Overseeing this sea change is the CIO. Download this whitepaper to learn the fundamental shift in how IT provides service and running IT as a business.

Learn more!  more…

The Bedrock of IT Security: It Starts With Training

As companies embrace mobile applications, cloud computing, and other high-value innovations, new and larger vulnerabilities have emerged. Now uninformed, careless, or disgruntled employees can create profound security disruptions. While information security is everyone’s job, it is the IT experts who bear the greatest burden. Instead of hiring, many organizations are investing in comprehensive training programs to shore up skills, lower HR costs, and improve the continuity and consistency of their security initiatives. This white paper outlines the many training initiatives that organizations can pursue to improve security.

Learn more!  more…