Guide To Archiving

eBook Is Now Available

Produced by the editors of TV Technology

Your content is only as valuable as your ability to monetize it. Fortunately for M&E companies, the ability to access, maintain and index legacy content has improved and become more flexible as enterprises move to the cloud and adopt artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze content to make it relevant to the task at hand.

As more archives become digitized, the options for storing and accessing content have expanded. Media that needs to be accessed immediately can be stored on prem while the rest of your content can be stored in the cloud. And should you use public, private or a hybrid? How can you use software as a service to reduce CAPEX?

In our latest ebook on archiving, we take a look at the options available and how advances in AI are enabling M&E companies to monetize their most valuable assets.


Learn more in the latest free Guide to Archiving eBook. Read it free now - click here!


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