Gumshoe Gives Back 
 December 13, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

It's that time of year again, friends -- we're running our once-a-year Charitable Membership Drive, and I want you to join us... help Stock Gumshoe, get some great member benefits, and help a great cause at the same time.  Half of every membership payment made in the next week will go to charity.

There are two ways to participate:

  1. You can upgrade to an Irregulars membership, and your payment will go into the charitable campaign.  Right away you'll get access to the time-saving Quick Take on all my articles, the Real Money Portfolio, my weekly Friday File, and more.  We've got monthly, annual and lifetime subscription options, starting at just $7.99.
  2. Give the gift of Gumshoe.  If you don't want a premium membership for yourself, we've launched a new gift membership option this week, too -- so if you love Stock Gumshoe, you can share that love with your friends and family... it's easy, no standing in line at the mall or waiting to packages to arrive.

That's it, that's the deal... you upgrade to a paid membership in the Irregulars, or give someone else a membership, and I'll donate half of whatever you pay to charity.   

Ready to pitch in?  Just click one of these options:



Which causes?  Everyone at Stock Gumshoe picks some of their favorites, but we're usually giving to causes that fight hunger and homelessness, help those who have been hit by natural disasters, and fund arts and literacy programs.   Nothing that I think is controversial, no political or religious focus.  We've been doing this for fifteen years, and used to let Stock Gumshoe members vote, but that just turned into arguments between folks who love or hate particular solutions to the problems of the world... the largest recipients of this campaign since 2008 have been food banks and organizations who work to help the homeless get off the street.  Let's just do some good.  

How does the math work?  Simple and honest, as I hope you would expect from us.  If you buy a membership during this campaign, whether it's an upgrade or a gift, we donate half of what you pay.   No deductions or "after expenses" or "profit" calculations -- so if you subscribe to Irregulars Plus+ Ad Free at $119, we donate $59.50.  

As usual, I've got a much longer and more blathery answer on the site if you want more detail... just click here for that. And you can always contact us with other questions (or if you have trouble with your login, or whatever else).

Thanks for indulging me in this annual request... and remember that we love you even if you say, "no."  Best wishes as we roll into the end-of-year holidays and the Christmas season... and a happy Hanukkah to those who are lighting seven candles this evening.





Stock Gumshoe | |
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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