TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 26, 2017

6 Gun Groups That Aren’t for White Right-Wingers

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The Second Amendment is finding appeal left of center. READ MORE»

White Supremacist Rally in San Francisco Canceled at Last Minute by Smorgasbord of Counter-Protests and Anti-Hate Rallies

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Thousands prepared to confront the white supremacists organizing events in SF. Now their focus shifts to Berkeley for a Sunday rally. READ MORE»

9 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Porn

By Anna Pulley, AlterNet

You've heard from the detractors, but what about the redeeming benefits of pornography? READ MORE»

Anti-Racism Activist Tim Wise: After Charlottesville, Time for White People to Say, 'By God, You Don't Speak for Me'

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

The author and activist on how white privilege played out in Charlottesville, and the "defining moment" America faces. READ MORE»

Don't Believe the Hype: Fentanyl-Laced Marijuana Is a Dangerous Myth

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Cops and politicians have been raising the alarm about a problem that doesn't exist. READ MORE»

Turd Reich: San Francisco Dog Owners Lay Minefield of Poo for Right Wing

By Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian

"I just had this image of alt-right people stomping around in the poop," says the organizer of an unusual protest ahead of Saturday’s Patriot Prayer rally. READ MORE»

The Cravings Market: Who Do Nicotine Replacement Therapies Benefit?

By Sophie Linden, AlterNet

The big question: Is it the consumer trying to stop smoking, or the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries? READ MORE»

After a UN Warning Over Racism, America's Self-Image Begins to Crack

By Nesrine Malik, The Guardian

To be shocked by the warning is to have thought of the US as a superior civilisation in the first place. The Trump-era bigotry is not a blip. READ MORE»

Huge Battle Over Building the Largest Pipeline in North America—and We Have World's First 'Anti-Pipeline' Beer

By Rob Hopkins, AlterNet

North America's biggest oil pipeline project has a frothy new resistance. READ MORE»

Amazon Announces Immediate Price Cuts to Whole Foods Products

By Charlie May, Salon

Organic avocados, baby kale and many other items will see their prices fall as Amazon closes its acquisition. READ MORE»

The Joe Arpaio I Knew

By Ryan Gabrielson, ProPublica

The former Maricopa County sheriff made his name in part by targeting immigrants—even after a judge ordered him to stop. As President Trump considers a pardon, it’s worth remembering precisely what Arpaio did in his decades in law enforcement. READ MORE»

Many Poor Kids in Baltimore Are Testing Badly Because They Can't See

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

A new program is getting free glasses to students with vision problems. READ MORE»

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