| | | | | Guptas' Saxonwold mansion illegal Martin Lewison and his family have been “living a nightmare” because of the illegal building extensions made by the Gupta family to their Saxonwold compound. Full story | | | | | | | | | | |
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How Parktown assistant coach allegedly abused pupils New details have emerged of how the 21-year-old assistant coach was apprehended and how he allegedly inflicted his spree of abuse on pupils. Full story |
WATCH: Stolen cars burnt in tribute to gang boss 'Chillies' With fear high and crime the burning issue, police warn residents not to take the law into their own hands Full story |
Seven-year-old Amile desperately needs a new liver Seven-year-old Amile of Woodlands in Durban loves colouring and reading. She is also in desperate need of a new liver. Full story |
#USOpen final – Anderson wants to join SA sporting greats by beating Nadal Kevin Anderson has history with four-time major golf champion Ernie Els and South Africa’s two-time Springbok Rugby World Cup championship side. Full story |
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