It's shockingly simple to turn a car dashcam into a powerful reconnaissance tool for gathering everyday routine and location data, researchers warn.
The vendor's products fall in a category that ransomware operators like to target to circumvent victims' ability to recover from a successful attack.
A host of automated approaches identifies and remediates potential vulns while still retaining a role for security analysts to filter for context and business criticality.
OSPS Baseline provides a starting point for project owners and adopters to understand an open source project's security posture by outlining all the controls that have been applied.
As the UAE financial sector finished up its annual cyberattack exercise, its worries about ransomware compromises and geopolitical attacks are on the rise.
Join us on March 20 for this all-day virtual event, designed to update cybersecurity teams on some of the most promising emerging cybersecurity technologies and provide advice on using them.
Data poisoning represents the next big existential cybersecurity threat — unless organizations can ensure their AI systems are safe and trustworthy.