Enjoy life with fewer digestive concerns
Why does your gut matter? |
Enjoy life with fewer digestive concerns | If digestive problems are some of the most common reasons why people seek medical care, why do most Americans know so little about their causes and treatment options? | Learn more |
Dear Reader, Good health and a healthy gut go hand in hand. Digestion is one of the critical functions your body must perform in order to survive and thrive. Heartburn, pain, cramps, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bleeding – these are some of the ways your digestive system alerts you to a problem. If you’re experiencing symptoms of an unhealthy gut, your stomach may be sending you a warning sign. Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health, Fourth Edition gives invaluable tips for diagnosing, treating, and preventing some of the most common digestive conditions and diseases. Inside you’ll find the following conditions and much more: |
Celiac disease Colorectal cancer Constipation and diarrhea Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis |
Diverticular disease Gallbladder disease Heartburn, ulcers and GERD Liver and pancreatic disease |
Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health will help you learn how to spot symptoms of common – and not so common – digestive issues. Too often, people wait too long before seeking help from their doctors. In general, the earlier you address a problem, the easier it is to prevent it from being serious. For a limited time, you can get your copy for 50% off! | Order now | Here's wishing you good digestion, Dr. Sahil Khanna Medical Editor | |