RECIPE Newsletter
July 23, 2016

Halibut Cheeks with Meyer Lemon and Basil Vinaigrette

In cooking these tender and flavorful cheeks, I approached them as I would scallops. Searing them on a hot cast-iron pan, flipping them, and then allowing the residual heat from the pan to finish the cooking process. They are delicate and do not...Read More
Halibut Cheeks

Baked Halibut à la Wolfgang Puck

I recently had the opportunity to interview Chef Wolfgang Puck for work. This recipe for baked halibut was the result of Chef Puck's suggestion for how to put together a tasty, quick and inexpensive main dish for dinner. He was absolutely right...Read More

Soy Sauce-Poached Halibut Cheeks

Since fish cheeks are the best part of the fish, and halibut's flavor is so light, you hardly have to do anything to make it taste good. In this recipe, a quick poach in a soy sauce-based mixture is all it takes to whip up a quick dish. Check...Read More
Halibut Cheeks

Almond-Crusted Halibut

Cooking fish at home can be a welcome alternative for those who are stuck in a chicken and pasta rut (ahem, me, ahem...), and it's not as scary as it seems. This recipe is inspired by a delicious dish my dad makes back home in California. The...Read More
Almond-Crusted Halibut
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