InformationWeek Security
US Offers $2.5M Hacker Bounty; AI Tech Limits in SOC; Applications' End of Life Is Hacker Heaven

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InformationWeek Security
August 29, 2024

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Halliburton Cyberattack Shows Pattern of Critical Infrastructure Disruption
Energy industry titan Halliburton shut down some of its systems in a defensive response to a cyberattack.

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WANTED: US Offers $2.5M Bounty to Nab Belarusian Hacker

The alleged hacker is charged with a scheme to transmit malware and online scams to millions of unsuspecting internet users.
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The Limits of New AI Technology in the Security Operations Center

While some think large-language models are the do-everything solution for security operations centers (SOC), they must understand that LLMs aren't that smart yet.
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Why End of Life for Applications Is the Beginning of Life for Hackers

In the next year, more than 35,000 applications will move to end-of-life status. To manage risk effectively, we need to plan ahead.
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What NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards Bring to the Table
Will the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s post-quantum cryptography standards be a challenge for enterprises to meet? Read More
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Examining the National Public Data Breach and Risks for Data Brokers
The compromise of National Public Data raises questions about the exposure consumers face when data brokers are breached. Read More
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Addressing the Vendor Threat
Recent, high-profile breaches underscore that service providers expand enterprises’ attack surface. It is time to address the vendor threat. Read More
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9 Ways CISOs Can Stay Ahead of Bad Actors
Security leaders are expected to defend their organizations against existing and emerging threats. Here are some tactics they can use to crack down on the enemy. Read More
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