October 31, 2016

Two oldies to share with you as we await the ghastly ghoulies of this evening... I'm off to the eye surgeon for some work so I'm not writing anything new until I can see again tomorrow, but two junior mining pitches have crossed my desk this weekend.  The first is a spiel from Retirement Revival about the junior mining stock that they say "could be your next 10-bagger" -- I first solved this teaser for the Irregulars last month, but now we can open it up to anyone else who's interested... just click below to...

Ex-CIA Advisor: "My Urgent 2017 Warning..." 

Security expert tells Americans, "A Jan. 1 trigger event could END our status as the #1 nation." 

And the second junior miner that's getting teased?  For that, we're going even further back in time.  For everyone who's sending me the spiel from Frank Curzio about his new private placement offering for his favorite gold stock, that's yet another pitch for the company he's been enthusiastic about at least since 2014... I'm sure I'll end up writing more about this one later in the week, since the details of the company have changed quite a bit (as has Curzio's newsletter, which was then published by Stansberry -- Frank has now started his own publishing company), but if you want to get a head start on researching the stock before I get around to writing another article about it, you can go back in time to see the article I wrote the first time Curzio teased this stock, back in the Spring of 2014.  And yes, to be fair, the stock (and the warrants) have shown HUGE gains since then... mostly because they went up by 500% in the first half of this year.

Or did you miss anything else in the week that was?

We started out last week with a look at "The Greatest Leap in the History of Energy!" -- sounds like the kind of thing you ought to be buying, right?  It was all about Perovskite solar cells and their amazing potential... or was it? That story is here.

Speaking of energy, this week we also re-published a look at Dr. Kent Moors' "Saudi Oil Jihad" pitch that is still in heavy rotation, so you can see that here if you missed it...

We haven't looked at a Louis Navellier pitch in quite a while, so one of his ads caught my eye this week and sent me looking for a gold stock, a social networking stock, and a company that makes components for RVs... would you have guessed those are the favorites of a growth stock guy right now?  My story is here.

Our friend Michael Jorrin came back with another Doc Gumshoe piece this week as well, this time looking at Medical Error -- is it really a leading cause of death?  What's the story?  You can read his piece here.

And I also got much of my weekly Friday File commentary for the Irregulars out early this week, since I wanted to explain a little speculative investment I made... our favorite paid-up members can read about my "battery bubble" speculation here. 

Though that wasn't all this week -- I also shared a shorter piece on Friday with a look at earnings, the NXPI/QCOM deal and a few other updates, Irregulars can see that here
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