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Daily Press

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January 16, 2019


Hampton distracted driving law targets motorists' cellphone use

Tuesday, Jan 15

In Virginia, there are no laws specifically requiring drivers to use a hands-free devices when operating a cellphone — so far — but within Hampton city limits, it’s now a requirement.

Coast Guard families take on extra work, cut expenses as shutdown continues

As many as 42,000 active duty Coast Guard members will miss their first paycheck Tuesday, the latest casualty in the shutdown.

Federal courts will soon run out of money. Here's how that could affect Virginia.

Federal courts will run out of money Friday. And if no new funds are approved, court administrators will have to cut back next week on everything that isn’t deemed “essential work.”

Luria named to Armed Services committee

Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Norfolk, is named to U.S. House Armed Services Committee