Dear John, today marks an anniversary.

17 years ago, following a string of "failures" designed to launch TUT's Adventurers Club and nearing the end of my rope, suddenly, I struck gold.

It was with the release of my home-recorded audio program, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams 12 hours of recordings that subscribers could buy, the profits of which, if there were any, would support my "free" daily emails and website. Overnight, everything changed...
Since then Infinite Possibilities has carried "The Club," paid for sending a quarter billion Notes from the Universe, and launched 4 World Tours, but best of all, it's led to enumerable "Whooooohoooooos" yelled from homes, offices, and moving vehicles all over the world.

From Orlando to Istanbul to Papua New Guinea, IP listeners have learned of their power, divinity, and magnificence. Of how much they deserve, how worthy they are, and why they are here. And of how remarkably easy it is to be swept off their feet with bountiful winds of change.

It is, therefore, high-time to "PAR-TAY" and to give back to all who have given us so much. And what better day to begin our celebrations than TODAY, the day we are so pleased and proud to announce the release of the 10-Year Anniversary Edition of Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams!
Henceforth, for all who choose to partake in the festivities, through purchasing the book, ye may receive a FREE month of Infinite Possibilities Membership!

Fancy WEEKLY mini-manifesting workshops with me? Weekend Notes from the Universe? MikeDooleyRadio 24/7? An Infinite Possibilities book club? & MORE?!

BIG Love,