
Join our virtual summit to discuss the range of issues within CX in 2022.
No Jitter Virtual Event
Hi John,

Join us for our next virtual summit on Dec. 14 from 12 PM to 5 PM ETto discuss with industry experts the range of issues surrounding Customer Experience in 2022.

John, your business and other organizations across the globe have faced numerous headwinds including:

  • pandemic-induced digital fatigue
  • economic downturns
  • labor scarcity
  • inflation
  • supply chain deficiencies

But, it is time to navigate these changes in the digital world and turn those headwinds into tailwinds!

You'll have the opportunity to network with peers from around the world and will fully understand the next steps for your enterprise to gain maximum CX benefits from emerging technologies.

Hope to see you there!
Caroline Massa | No Jitter Virtual Summits
Topics of Discussion:

✓ Why connected and unified data is a critical capability for making strategic decisions

✓ How advancements in AI and machine learning for CX will serve as competitive drivers of growth

✓ How cloud adoption will enhance the experience for customers, employees, and partners

✓ Detailed discussions of individual problems and solutions for enterprises.
Hosted by:
No Jitter and Enterprise Connect