Prices Increasing in January | Happy Holidays ✨
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Membership prices are changing in 2022

In 2019, we restructured our prices to keep our operations sustainable and continue to offer our services to members, our neighbours, and broader community.

At the time, we included sales tax in our membership fees to keep our offerings and transactions simple. However, the pandemic has since witnessed rising costs along with interruptions. As a consequence, as of January, the cost of our memberships will no longer include taxes.

Purchase or renew your membership before January 1st to save! 

Your membership will only start when you borrow your first tool.

Finally, in 2019, we also introduced monthly memberships for short-term projects. We will continue to offer monthly memberships, but the cost of a monthly membership will increase to $100 per month (plus tax).

I don't want to miss this deal.

Happy Holidays

We hope you are having a restful holiday break with your loved ones. We will see you back when we reopen on January 4, 2022! 

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