Happy Holidays!
Wishing you a holiday season filled with restful moments, delicious food and an abundance of health and happiness.

Healthy eating can and should be simple. For inspiration in the kitchen, please visit our Recipes page where you can find hundreds of easy-to-follow meal ideas. Moroccan Red Lentil Soup and Creamy Bangkok Noodles are two of my personal favorites. Give them a try and let me know what you think. 

Thank you for being a part of the McDougall community.

Happy Holidays!

We Only Have a Few Spots Left for Our January Program. Save Your Spot Now!

For 35+ years, we've empowered people to lose weight, heal and thrive with a starch-based lifestyle.

"Finally, what was missing in my life for permanent weight loss. I thought starch was my enemy. But Dr McDougall shows that eating a starch-based diet resolves diseases and keeps us happy, thin and free to live the life I always dreamed of and I am grateful this is now possible for me and healing my digestion." - Golda D.

Get your questions answered by the experts.

Reverse chronic illness, lose weight and age well with concise guidance and education.


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