We honor our patients who fought for freedom more than once
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MD Anderson Cancer Center
Celebrate freedom and independence
This Fourth of July, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center wants to thank all those who have made great sacrifices to maintain our freedom.

Especially our patients, like Donald Lowd, who not only fought for our freedom, but also fought to beat cancer.

Donald, a retired Air Force veteran, served a tour of duty during Desert Storm. He brought supplies to open an eye hospital in England and served as the administrator over the eye section. When he returned to the United States, he served at a retina practice at Wilford Hall in San Antonio.

When he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2009, one oncologist told him he had less than five years to live, but he refused to accept that timeline.

"That's when I said to my wife, 'I'm headed to MD Anderson,'" shares Donald. He says his battle started as soon as he scheduled his first appointment with Christopher Logothetis, M.D., chair, Genitourinary Medical Oncology at MD Anderson.

After Dr. Logothetis ordered more scans, he found a spot on one of Donald's ribs that his previous doctor had missed. It was about the size of a pencil eraser.
Donald Lowd
"You have people
who really care about
you, and that gives
you hope. That's
what patients need."
Donald started his prostate cancer treatment by enrolling in a clinical trial to protect his bones. In June 2010, after undergoing chemotherapy to shrink the prostate tumor, Donald had surgery. Two weeks later, he returned to work and his normal routine.

"You can't let a problem contain you. You have to contain the problem."
That's Donald's motto.

Donald says there's no comparison to the combination of expertise and caring at MD Anderson. "MD Anderson is outstanding. It's the top place to be treated."
MD Anderson salutes cancer survivors like
Donald, who sacrificed so much to defend
our nation.
I hope you have a wonderful Independence Day and enjoy time celebrating our nation's freedom with your friends and family.

This year I also will be celebrating all of our patients who are fighting cancer, as well as our staff — and wonderful friends like you — who help MD Anderson in Making Cancer History®.
Ronald A. DePinho M.D. Signature
Ronald A. DePinho, M.D.
MD Anderson
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