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  March 16, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

Happy Match Day!

Congratulations, this is the day many of you have been working toward for months. How are you celebrating this special occasion? Let us know by sending us a short note or sharing your photos and we might feature them in an upcoming edition of Residency Program Insider.

Thanks for reading!

Son Hoang, editor, Residency Program Insider

Editor's Picks

Match Day results

A record number of medical school students and graduates applied for residency positions this year, according to the National Resident Matching Program. More than 37,000 applicants competed for 33,167 positions. The number of first-year positions also hit a new record of 30,232, nearly 1,400 more than last year.

Heard this week

“As physicians, we must not squander this opportunity to change the way we study and treat both ourselves, as physician trainees, and the most vulnerable among our patients.”

New resident orientation

After Match Day coordinators communicate with residents before they begin training. The organization, clarity, and thoroughness of the packet of information and instructions that you send to incoming residents indicate how you manage the program.

New for RPA subscribers-only: New year, new you! Professional development for the academic administrator

I firmly believe if we want to make a change in our roles, including obtaining the titles and recognition we deserve, we have to be part of that change. I always hear that motivational phrase, “Don’t dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want.” There is a lot of truth to this, not only with regard to your physical appearance, but also to your own professionalism. Read more.


Marketing Spotlight

Residency Coordinator Certification Toolkit

The Residency Coordinator Certification Toolkit is an easy-to-use study tool that residency and fellowship coordinators can use to review the ins and outs of the role in relation to the program and institution.
With 200 flashcards and a workbook featuring 50 questions concerning coordinators’ responsibilities, you can use this toolkit to test your ACGME accreditation knowledge and ensure your facility is in compliance.
Topics covered by the flashcards and workbook include:
•    ACGME Common Program Requirements
•    ACGME Institutional Requirements
•    ACGME Policies and Procedures
•    The National Residency Matching Program
•    The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
•    The Accreditation Data System
•    The Electronic Residency Application Service
•    Commonly used terms and acronyms

Click here for more information or to place your copy.


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Contact Us

Son Hoang
Associate Editor
Residency Program Insider

75 Sylvan Street, Suite A-101
Danvers, MA 01923

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HCPro is not affiliated in any way with The Joint Commission, which owns the JCAHO and Joint Commission trademarks, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, which owns the ACGME trademark, or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).

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