We are ready for 2021!
Reflections on last year as we move forward in 2021

As we head into our 25th year and navigate our way through COVID-19, we are committed to continuing our mission of early detection + prevention with virtual events, movements, and survivorship programs.

Will you help us?
Outreach and Awareness
Love Your Peaks
In March 2020 we had to cancel the last 3 events on our Shred the Love tour due to Covid-19. As the winter season begins and with the Coronavirus still a concern we have adapted our traditional winter outreach series. 

In 2021 we will begin a new movement to spread our message of breast cancer awareness and prevention with Love Your Peaks. This will be a virtual movement where participants ride their local mountain resorts to support our cause and those they love. Want to get involved? Stay tuned for ways you or your local resort can get involved and participate as we launch later this month.
Skate the Lake went virtual in August 2020 and we expanded to include participants from all over the globe. Historically, Skate The Lake is a 28 mile skate-bike-roll along a portion of North Lake Tahoe but due to COVID19, B4BC made the event virtual, opening it up to our global community. Participants were encouraged to cruise their local paths or trails in the name of breast cancer prevention and awareness and we were blown away by the amount of friends who joined in on the fun.
  • 200+ Participants across 5 countries
  • $39K+ raised
  • 49M+ Media Impressions
In October we continued the virtual platform for Skate the Coast. Historically, it is a 19-mile cruise from the Santa Monica Pier to Redondo Beach and is our biggest fundraising event of the year. With the support of our expanded virtual community and local die-hards we had our most successful event to date. Friends, family and partners joined to skate-bike-roll their local trail, path, or neighborhood in honor of breast cancer awareness.
  • 200+ Participants
  • $50K+ raised
  • 402M+ Media Impressions
Wellness, Prevention and Survivorship

Chasing Sunshing Virtual Wellness Series

During three Saturdays in October, we connected our community with a FREE, uplifting event and provided insight from some of the most forward-thinking, educated, and inspiring doctors, healers, teachers, and therapists, who specialize in cancer, and supportive therapies.

  • 150+ Registrants
  • 4.5M+ Impressions to date
  • 50K+ Social Media Impressions
  • $33K+ raised
Our goal was to inspire and connect with women from all over the world with this uplifting event. For the first time we offered this wellness series to the general public as well as our survivors and encouraged anybody who could use inspiration, education, and some support during these challenging times to join us. The feedback has been so inspiring and moving that we will continue the virtual format into 2021. Visit B4BC YouTube to view the entire content from the series. Check back for individual segments coming soon!


Boarding For Breast Cancer’s #FeelinIt4B4BC Wellness & Fitness Fundraising Classes were hosted by select partners supporting B4BC over the month of October. Because of the success and positive feedback from these classes, in 2021 we will expand to allow studios and instructors to host classes throughout the year. We are excited to see FeelinIt4B4BC offer more fitness fundraising classes in 2021. For more information or to participate Click Here

  • 9 Virtual Fitness Classes in October 2020
  • $7K+ raised
Thank you to all of our supporters and sponsors who give to us so generously every year. We could not do what we do without you! Cheers to 2021!
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227 E Compton Blvd
Gardena, CA 90248

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