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Happy New Year!

2022 is going to be our year. That's right, we're claiming it in the name of Litquake. We want to reach new heights by throwing more shows, collaborating with new people, and expanding our audience like never before. That means you can look forward to experimental panels, unmissable performances, a plethora of workshops for all ages, and an overall expansion of literary entertainment the likes of which book lovers have only dreamed about. This year, we're determined to push the boundaries of the Litquake universe, and we want you along for the ride.

Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to stay up to date, and tell your friends to subscribe to our newsletter for early access to all of our events, our podcast, videos, book recommendations from some of our favorite authors, volunteer opportunities, and everything in between. 

Litquake Book Recs

A new feature in which we convince one of our favorite writers to recommend a must-read book...
José Vadi recommends Aura by Carlos Fuentes.

"Delivered entirely in the second person, this short early 60s novel from Carlos Fuentes explores multiple identities, how they are shaped by histories/past selves, and the nature of fate that brings the narrator, Felipe Montero, into the home an old widow and her niece, Aura, through a newspaper job posting. Moody and atmospheric, this is a nice short dose of trippy to keep you sane this holiday season."   

Thanks, José! You can buy José Vadi's debut collection Inter State: Essays From California here (or at your local book store), and you can follow him on Twitter @vadiparty

Litquake Weekly

Highlighting the best literary news, upcoming events, and whatever else we're looking at...

“...our favorite literary New Year's quotes." Read what these ten legendary authors have to say about the new year  • Writers Write

“...69 new African, African-American, Black-Brit and Caribbean books that look very promising.” A plethora of books from Black authors to look out for in 2022 African Book Addict

"Alderete, Tân Khánh Cao and J.K. Fowler are the trio behind the intentional environment defying conventional categorization." There's a new book store in town • SF Chronicle

"For more than a decade, it’s welcomed people to wash clothes and hear prose..." Remembering the laundromat that doubled as a literary institution • Mission Local
Donate to Litquake

About Litquake
Litquake seeks to foster interest in literature, perpetuate a sense of literary community, and provide a vibrant forum for Bay Area writing as a complement to the city's music, film, and cultural festivals. 2021 Dates: Oct. 7-23.

Litquake is grateful for the support of the following funders who help make our programming possible. Institutional Giving: Alta Magazine, Amazon Literary Partnerships, California Arts Council, California College of the Arts, California Humanities, Center for the Art of Translation, City National Bank, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Grants for the Arts, HarperOne, Margaret and William R. Hearst III Foundation, Mary A Crocker Trust, Miner Anderson Family Foundation, Mystery Writers of America, Northern California Chapter, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, The Bernard Osher Foundation, Poetry Foundation, San Francisco Public Library, Swinerton Family Fund, University of San Francisco's MFA Program, Yerba Buena Community Benefit District, Yerba Buena Gardens Festival, Zellerbach Foundation. Individual Giving: Frances Dinkelspiel and Gary Wayne, Margaret and Will Hearst, Scott James and Gerald Cain, Nion McEvoy, Craig Newmark, and Nicole Miner and Robert Mailer Anderson. Media Sponsors: San Francisco Chronicle, 7x7, KQED, Bay Area Reporter, Johnny Funcheap.

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