Surfrider Foundation Europe
Surfrider Foundation Europe vous souhaite une très bonne année

Happy New Year from Surfrider Foundation Europe!

In 2018, we protected hundreds of miles of coastline and sensitized thousands to the importance of ocean protection. We forged landmark agreements on the plastic strategy in the EU, raised awareness on climate change, and developed ground breaking procedures for water quality analysis. We encouraged a societal shift towards low waste lifestyles and mobilized a passionate community from around the world to give their Voice For The Ocean. 

None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you for giving your time, energy, and resources to help protect our playground.

In 2019, let’s continue to keep the fight alive.
Happy New Year from Surfrider Foundation Europe!


Surfrider Foundation Europe
Protecting the ocean since 1990

33 allée du Moura
64200 Biarritz - FRANCE
Tél : 05 59 23 54 99

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