Ready for a fresh start? Get inspired by this time of year's magical energy and try something new and exciting.

Dear Friends,

Hello and blessings for this wonderful new year ahead! I hope each of you had a warm and wonderful holiday season. As we put away our decorations and look forward to what lies ahead for us, I can't help but think about what this year will bring. If you are a longtime reader, you will know that I don't make resolutions in the new year. Rather, I take advantage of this magical, new energy to look at how I can improve my life. I take the time to see if there are any places in my life that I have hidden away or avoided working on and look where I can take steps to improve in those places.

If you also like to use this new energetic time to work on self-improvement, then you will enjoy these six courses I have handpicked for you to consider. I've had the great honor to meet many of these authors, and each one brings their expertise and passion for their respective topics in highly engaging and motivational ways to these courses.

A Year to Get Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise by Edward Vilga. As the name implies, this is a 365-day course, and it truly delivers what it promises. I adore Edward and his ability to impart helpful lessons each day that lead to real change and impact. This course is a full life-makeover that anyone will benefit from! Learn More

Living A Sweet Life Without Sugar by Jacqui Justice, M.S., C.N.S. Quitting sugar and then limiting sugar afterward was one of the best health decisions I have made for my body. The results are fast and lasting. In this 10-day course, Jacqui will guide you through recipes and empower you with knowledge. Jacqui has a wonderful, fun personality that shows through her course delivery. Learn More

The 9 Minute Science-Based Workout by Stefanie Turner. In this 14-lesson course, you will learn how to take a more scientific approach to your training by using the most efficient techniques. Included are high-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength-training drills, and yoga. You will love Stefanie's Australian sensibility. Learn More

A Year to Clear What's Holding You Back! by Stephanie Bennett Vogt. Over 155,000 students have already taken this course. Stephanie provides what she calls her "drip by drip" method of delivering information to you over the course of 365 days. Some examples of what is covered include: moving stuck energy, releasing old stories, breaking the chain of pain, forgiving, cultivating stillness, and so much more. Students love this course and Stephanie. Learn More

Speak with Purpose, Not Impulse. In this 7-lesson course by DailyOM, you will learn why impulse tends to lead our speech rather than intention and purpose. You will learn ways to make the shift to speaking with purpose and receive many additional life benefits along the way. You will also learn the art of listening and how to discern impulse from intuition. If you are looking to develop a deeper consciousness around your speech and the words you choose, this would be a wonderful course for you. Learn More

Go Sleeveless in 14 Days by Sarah Rector. Over 54,000 people have taken this course already and are experiencing stronger and more sculpted arms. I tried this course and couldn't believe how 14 five-minute workouts could improve my arms. This course starts without weights and slowly introduces light weights (although heavier weights could be used if you desire). Sarah's lovely British accent makes me feel like I'm not working out. Learn More

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life's journey and growth. I am honored and humbled that you find value and solace in my messages, and I find inspiration from your comments and stories. It is indeed my greatest honor to serve humanity in this way. I wish you love, peace, and strength for this year and those to come. Until next time.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor
Cofounder, Editor-in-Chief