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Chicken Soup for the Soul
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That Was Embarrassing

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Happy Tail
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Dogs
By Irish Beth Maddock

Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.
~Kinky Friedman

I saw Bella's picture on a rescue website. The photo showed her on hind legs in a sweet begging position, but with only a single front paw. Her wiry black coat and her expressive eyes pulled me in. I filled out an adoption application immediately.

Three days later, I learned the word "tri-pawd," and that I had been accepted as Bella's owner! Our new dog would be transported from Hay River, Northwest Territories to us in Calgary, Alberta. My husband joked we couldn't afford a full-sized dog, so we only got a three-quarter one. (Keep reading)

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Hey… Eat Wheaties!

Eat Wheaties poster

Love rooting for the underdog? Then don't miss the new movie Eat Wheaties, starring Tony Hale (Veep, Arrested Development) as Sid Straw. Sid has been leading a dull life until he accidentally stalks famous college friend, Elizabeth Banks, on social media and his life falls apart. In theaters now and available On Demand

Chicken Soup for the Soul Pets

May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month — don't forget to check for ticks on your pets. The risk for contacting Lyme disease increases the longer a tick is attached to your pet. Visit our Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet blog to learn more.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Read, Laugh, Repeat — Your prescription for spring fun!

Read, Laugh, Repeat book cover image

101 laugh-out-loud stories from the Chicken Soup for the Soul library.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Be You — You are unique and that is your superpower!

Be You book cover image

101 stories by women who have found their truth.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Making Me Time — Put self care at the top of your to-do list!

Making Me Time book cover image

101 stories about focusing on the value of making "me time" and prioritizing self-care.

Going From Broke in Real Time poster

Don't miss Going From Broke in Real Time on Crackle. Young people drowning in massive student debt get help from financial experts to become the CEO of their own lives. Catch real-time unfiltered conversations the same week they were filmed, now on Crackle and YouTube.

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