Moving forward in your career still matters | Managing performance issues in a remote environment | Workers going to an office more than people think
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November 17, 2020
SmartBrief on Your Career
Getting Ahead
Hard work isn't enough -- you need to be noticed
(Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
High performers need executive backing to take that next step in their careers, and they can get that attention by say, offering to help with key business problems and asking for a guide to the organization's hidden processes and culture, writes Joel Garfinkle. "Raising your visibility is more than a one-step task to get a stakeholder's attention; it involves developing a relationship with key members of your organization and offering value for the mentorship you seek," he writes.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (11/16) 
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With everything else going on in the world in 2020, it's no surprise that some people have put career advancement and/or fulfillment on the back burner. Others have tried to get their careers moving, but can't quite seem to gather any momentum. If either of the above scenarios describes your career status, this podcast (with accompanying transcript) is for you.
Full Story: Kellogg Insight (11/16) 
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Some employees might develop performance issues amid the stress of the current work environment, and managers might be unsure of how to deliver proper feedback remotely. Managers can address these issues without discouraging workers by following four tips.
Full Story: Fast Company online (11/16) 
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Maryland—Your Best Life Starts Here
Work in Maryland, and you'll have high-paying jobs and endless opportunities in the public and private sector. Live in Maryland, and you'll find, well, everything you could ever want.
The Landscape
Kym Frank, Geopath's president, presents various studies that support the fact that more Americans are mobile, commuting and returning to work than people realize, such as an Advertising Perceptions study that found only 19% of individuals are now working from home daily. "[P]erception is often limiting as it does not take into account the true reality of the what is actually happening the way big data can," said Frank.
Full Story: OOH Today (11/13) 
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Methods for building employee saving programs
Competition and technology have simplified and cut costs for employee saving programs at small businesses, financial planner Liz Weston writes. Automatic payroll deductions, emergency savings plans and Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees IRAs, are among Weston's suggestions.
Full Story: The Associated Press (11/16) 
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Your Next Challenge
Some researchers say that multitasking can decrease productivity by 40% so consider blocking out time for work -- especially during the time of day when you are most productive. One study found that chronic multitaskers, even if just focused on one task, are less efficient.
Full Story: Business 2 Community (11/16) 
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The Water Cooler
Online map gauges COVID-19 risk of attending events
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
An interactive map uses real-time localized data to assess the risk of attending an event in various counties in the US. Choose a county and then use a slider on the lower-left side of the tool to adjust for the number of people attending the event.
Full Story: LiveScience (11/15) 
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Sometimes you've got to go to the wrong place just to show that you're not afraid to go there.
Leonardo DiCaprio,
actor, producer
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