in this issue, March 29, 2016 View it in your browser.

Hardware Transactional Memory, Invokedynamic, Apache Flink, DevOps, Swift, Microservices, TDD, Lean Business Analysis




NoSQL Comparison: MongoDB vs. Couchbase Server. Learn how architectural differences in the two databases impact performance, scalability, and availability. Explore which product might better address your company’s specific needs. Learn More.

Development Latest Content


Java vs. C Performance

Cliff Click takes a look at Java vs C performance. He discusses both languages' strong and weak points and the programming context surrounding language choices, which often have a much stronger impact on the business of programming than mere language choice. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Profilers Are Lying Hobbits (and we hate them!)

Nitsan Wakart discusses concrete cases in which profilers misguide, misrepresent and at times subvert the systems they aim to help us diagnose. Wakart is teaching you to unlearn your trust, and relearn skepticism. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

How to I/O?

Todd Montgomery discusses the challenges of I/O, as software and hardware change rapidly and conventional wisdom must evolve to keep up. Montgomery thinks now is a good time to revisit old ideas with new and different perspectives. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

How NOT to Measure Latency

Gil Tene provides an in-depth overview of Latency and Response Time Characterization, including proven methodologies for measuring, reporting, and investigating latencies, and overview of some common pitfalls encountered (far too often) in the field. Tene also covers specific considerations in garbage collected environments (such as Java). (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Cyber-dojo: Executing Your Code for Fun and Not-for Profit!, Part 1

Jon Jagger introduces, an open source environment for practicing programming, demoing its features and discussing its history, design, underlying technology, difficulties and future. (Presentation)

Functional Programming You Already Know

Kevlin Henney examines functional and declarative programming styles from the point of view of coding patterns, little languages and programming techniques already familiar to many programmers. (Presentation)

Understanding Hardware Transactional Memory

Gil Tene explores the underlying mechanics that power HTM on current platforms, focusing on things developers need to understand when contemplating the use of HTM in new and existing code. He talks about new speculative locking mechanisms enabled by HTM, and speculates about both the near term and long term future impact of HTM on concurrency choices and everyday programming choices. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Unevenly Distributed

For over a year now, Adrian has been reading a research paper every weekday and posting a summary to his blog, 'The Morning Paper.' This is the story of what he has learned on the journey - both as it relates to the value of reading papers, and of course, what they tell about what the future may hold for us! (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!



From Macrosystems to Microservices. Microservices architectures and cloud-native application development are enabling teams to build better software faster. This paper explores lightweight development with the Oracle Cloud and highlights the benefits of the move to cloud architectures. Learn More.

Java Latest Content


Invokedynamic - Java's Secret Weapon

invokedynamic was the first new Java bytecode since Java 1.0 and was crucial in implementing the "headline" features of Java 8 (such as lambdas and default methods). In this article, we take a deep dive into invokedynamic and explain why it is such a powerful tool for the Java platform and for JVM languages such as JRuby and Nashorn. (Article)



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.NET Latest Content

Universal Windows Platform - Walled Garden vs Open System

Epic Games cofounder Tim Sweeney has created a furor over the state of Microsoft's Universal Windows Platform and whether it threatens the historical open nature of the Windows PC. (News)

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Node.js Available in Beta on Google App Engine, Sort Of

Google has announced that node.js is available in beta on App Engine. However, unlike the pure PAAS offerings on App Engine, the node.js functionality uses their App Engine flexible environment. This hybrid environment wraps the app up in a Docker image and manages the VMs automatically. (News)

Mobile Latest Content


The Four Concerns That Must Be Addressed Before the Internet of Things Can Really Take Off In 2016

By 2020, there will be more than 50 billion of connected devices, according to Cisco, and experts predict that the IoT will have a $3.5 trillion impact on the global economy within the next five years. The question is, is it really going to happen? And shouldn’t we be seeing greater market penetration than we already do? (Article)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

Microservices Evolution at SoundCloud

At the MicroXchg conference in Berlin, Bora Tunca from SoundCloud presented the evolution of SoundCloud’s microservices architecture throughout the years. We had the opportunity to interview him and learn more about SoundCloud’s architecture evolution and microservices in general. (Article)



Down-to-Earth Microservices with Java EE. Register for the Oracle Virtual Technology Summit and learn how the Java EE programming model and APIs like JAX-RS, WebSocket, JSON-P, Bean Validation, CDI, JPA, and EJB3 align with the concept of microservices. Register Now.

Test-Driven Microservices: System Confidence

Russ Miles shows how we can build production-level confidence in our polyglot microservices by applying the test-driven approach to synchronous and asynchronous services and how by applying specific constraints to the system, testing not only can be successfully applied to the microservices themselves but this can be done simply, easily and can embrace speed of change rather than be an impediment. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Monkeys in Lab Coats: Applying Failure Testing Research @Netflix

The authors present their experience in collaboration between industry and academia, describing how a “big idea” -- lineage-driven fault injection -- evolved from a theoretical model into an automated failure testing system that leverages Netflix’s state-of-the-art fault injection and tracing infrastructures. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

#NetflixEverywhere Global Architecture

Josh Evans talks about the Netflix journey of failure, innovation, and ubiquity. He reviews the many facets of globalization then delves deep into the architectural patterns that enable seamless, multi-region traffic management, reliable, fast data propagation, and efficient service infrastructure. The patterns presented are broadly applicable to Internet services with global aspirations. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Voys Learns to Play the Holacracy Game

Holacracy removes power from a management hierarchy and distributes it across teams that have a clear set of roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This new organizational system with no managers or titles is often misunderstood. Learn about holacracy from the Dutch telecom company Voys who implemented this new way of running organizations. (Article)

The Lean Business Analysis Manifesto Explained

David Morris explains how Lean Business Analysis responds to the ever-increasing pace of change in an age of digital disruption. We no longer have business as usual, so why would we do business analysis as usual? The Lean Business Analysis Manifesto helps put order into the chaos that exists in many of today's organisations. (Article)

Understanding Quality and Reliability

One of the most overlooked but important areas of software development is quality. It often is not considered or even discussed during the early planning stages of all development projects, but it’s almost always the ultimate criteria for when a product is ready to ship or deploy. This article will explore how to measure quality and minimize the factors that negatively impact software reliability. (Article)

Why Only Agile Organizations Will Survive

Chris Kruppa covers the reason for adopting Agile, why it is necessary and how organizations can inspire their teams to embrace Agile values without imposing it. (Presentation)

Data Science Latest Content


The Role of a Data Scientist in 2016

Data Scientist role has been getting lot of attention lately as organizations are starting to use big data processing and analytics techniques to gain insights into their data. This post takes a closer look at the role of a Data Scientist in 2016. (Article)

Insights from History of Rock Music via Machine Learning

Ali Kheyrollahi uses clustering and network analysis algorithms to analyze the publicly available Wiki data on rock music to find mathematical relationship between artists, trends and subgenres. (Presentation)

DevOps Latest Content


The Challenge of Monitoring Containers at Scale

The adoption of containers, and the associated desire to build microservices, is causing a paradigm shift within the monitoring space. Application functionality is becoming more granular and more independently scalable and resilient, which is a challenge for traditional monitoring solutions. InfoQ recently sat down with a series of container monitoring experts and explored these challenges. (Article)